
r.oun (person)

noun (thing)

ad. |e.ctive i adverb



- - - -




■ . ...... i -■ —-—

/^a€cxcojla€; .

^eaauL^    special    Apec&Ufj

Ąyec*cuuskPo 4p.tóCŁJUe^^i    e^cc*p4fc^

.    . • - . / .!_ -A .    .    . .'

PRODUCE 1. /* ./pi?

sol es

with o very strong brond name is very important for good

5he ptódvWX6Ct nc evidence tc support her arguments.

3. The ractory    on incredibie 150 cars per hour.

4 They cre consfructtng a new pcGCUljd^Oft- Ifne in the new factory.

5.    Englanc is o leading ^v<XUx^r... of high qua ity woolen clothes.

6.    ~>\e f^CdLMJCS>.'?.'> of consumer goods has mcreased thrcughout the world. 7 Most of us are morę jycOAiItj^ in the morning

B. It is nothmo gniąue. It's one of these mass p&(&Mf&L souvenlrs.

~). If ycu mq: k icrd you eon be Surę o get o f^Cdu^A^j, bonus.

10.    The prototype engmes never wen- into . ..prUi^AJLcn^

11.    I dont know ho w to improve studer.fs f    ^

12 Whr.t is the mosi profitable new 88£


! Are yo- oo ng anything AffCtiCtL... for Ohristmas?

2. rm cfrcid you hcvc to consuit o heart

3 Theres a tf>ecćcJ- offer on this tnilk - two litreS for the price of one. 4. Tako 4p£i&&... co *e on rhe :*ocds tenight - they may be sfippery t I-: s g hig.nly .^oiSsU^Lf ield of study

6.    Have ycu scen the amazmg ..#£&&& ^ffects in this new Indiana Jones movie?

7.    Dr Smith is a    in pe role r emgirteer ing.

8.    This car is .£(&.C&U<u designed for disabled drivers.

9.    Fire-fighters use ... '^(aCJl. breathing eguipment in rescue operations.

10 Wz defir.itely need a    advice.

H. I came -ere .Speo.al^ to see you.

12 -ijgh s    s :i r zc! ionrt drr mg

13. The cor has a number cf    safety features.

14 She s hireo a consultant titr    in hi.■■mon resoirces manegement.

15    In the course Im taking rhe"e is nc opporrunity for ..tyffiuM#... until the

f inal ycar.

16 Dón‘t try repairing it yourself - it regutręs ..«^wo!c4fknowledge.

17.    Krckow is a ve y crowdea city    in the sutnmer

18.    Oscypek is our FouSh ty£U.c«$Ifc^


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