verbverb |
noun (person) |
noun (thin9) |
odjective |
adverb |
mdustr;oii5e |
OÓJA-'Xr^XXL'ź |
oduc^iy irsdusfnalism |
i oćjosJL cCCU ,rid.ic5ti^xcs |wotAoi-^^(uUx |
V*OU^X»^£OU-J |
inform |
'nfOrflrtani |
vrv [Or O-CAt-GO- |
'rv(Orrt*3.t»w>? | |
innovate |
<tV\£teC£t*>t 0^Q5OW>y |
1. An estetę is o specsci crea of land where factortes and
off ices are build.
2 Under developed countr es should »nvest ir i ncUv»tg
3 Hz is hnrd-.vorkino Higsnt o.nc .
4 Ar vw>tnćU, Revolj: ,cn rook olcce n Great Britoin around 2750 1850.
5 The weolth cf the country is the. leancy of the 6. Hf. :s ore cf the pro- . inent .r^U/>b'vC;.UAC
1. We decided not to :pvfOv?w everybody os Sc; wos confidential.
Z The irc^Ciy-yró. prcviaed scrr.e -'.formo- uch enoble police to catch the thief
Im-^/ho^o^techno agy hes ł - \ rnii mt o 1 ;hccls *or nany years. 4 He is‘ a well memier o r.e committee.
- 5ome TV channc : o-:adcosT 'WlOrr*xxrioC documen^ries
He wus c talented ^jO''x*tvivho ;i nosmted many Home aap 'ar>cf.:‘
2. Rccer.t )e~ pcople sove much time.
i Cer+ain ideaS orv co i<tvn<^x^V6. tc je.pi.rl in o pructice. VAcVcUy-df>. :5 ■ :he nuner nalure.