vcrb |
noun (person) |
noun (thing) |
cdjective |
advero |
; commcnt |
:or%nnRf>U44v |
Ct cammenTcry J |
Łomerac^A. ^>rr>er>taoanic uu>o.ga |
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coir.muncatt |
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i CmrunaUJlijtfr>S |
:3rr.rryAnx'jCXLx O/Y-J/T.. | |
compore |
cOrcpCU.CAOn. |
. Cł>WX%fO.UJC uwpałcw^ |
5bolx04.oc^> |
1. Have *he customerf ■ ode any posit • Om^oi.A c-jout our latest product?
2 The spokesperson denied oll charges and declmed to c....................
3 Some sport s ..are fun to .sten to
4. The c the n-vv performance w nich I read ir todnys
paper wesnt very flattering.
The ‘ :nal de-r-s o\ v.c:S Soor carwuX*$k&.tO h- me- oe-S uf The club.
Ł. Nonverbal cc^\xiucC&-cn~ is as nporTant cs verbc. communicntion
3. It is płeasant to work «vith r.Pf>irn-uvCO^SbC?................people.
1 he two enterpr ses ore in a r.ampći^oJ situotion
2. Before gomg to another country it is always good to read some books which cennpo^e. ..and contrast cdtural differences.
H. swimmers or> expected tc win vith c.omp&raJtKut ease
4 Cof"pćxce&, .. to seme problems we hoc to ‘oce n • • e »-:st -
one seems eesy to solve.
b WV. ,irew so-ne < betwcer ttc problems which
f reguently occur in our team.