V. Hnd themisfakes .md correct tliem.

1. She play tennis last week


2 !' m do my homework now.


3.    I caii speakmg Frenrh


4.    Slie waiu to send aii email.


5.    VVhere are yon coming from?


6.    We go ai holiday next moiuh


VI.    Wypisz 5 ubrali, które nosisz:

U góry: ajumper, a blouse. a T-słun. a jacket. bra Na dole: trousers. shoes, socks. a skirt. tights

VII. ?!


B: I (2) play (play) teram witłi my brother.

A: Really? (3) Do you play (play) every week?

B: Only in the summer Ben my brother (4) play* (play) two ar three times Every week - he’s very good. He (5) started (stan) when lie was a child. but (6) I didn‘t like (not like) spon very much then (7) .Are you

good .ii sport? TU COS NIE GRA ODP. NIE PASUJE bo pytanie brzmi czy jestes dobry sport wiec dodoalam ar I wyszło czy jestes dobry w sprcie ale odpowiedz brzmi tak było fantastycznie byłem z przyjaciółmi.... wiec tu chyba czegoś brakuje A: Yes. it was fantastic. I was witli some friends and

(11)    traveled (travel) to different places. We

(12)    sisited (visit) Sydney and Melbourne B: (13) Are you going (go) to Australia for your next holiday?

A: No. we (14) are going (go) to the US. My sister

(15) lives (live) in Florida and we (16) will stay/aie going to stay

... (stay) with her for two weeks in


B: ThaTs great! Have a good time!

IX. Opisz swoje dzieciństw o w 10 zdaniach (szkoła, rodzice, przyjaciele, mieszkanie, co lubisz, co nosisz., ild.)

Wlien 1 was a cliiid I liked ice-cream very much.

I w as swimmiiig. dancing, playing seek-and-hide all days.

I used to lia\T many diffrrnit friends bul now everybody is Imsy and we don't liave time to mret eacli otlirr.

I also liked my sdiool because le<K bers were nice and crealive.

I was never bored duriug classes.

I had a bid orauge rooni with a desk and a labie and a sery comfortable bed.

I had also sery a big w indów.

Now, I have a different rooni whidi is smailer one.

I rnnember tlial when I w as a diild I w as w eariug a pilik dress because it was very beautiful and rnmfortable. Now, 1'm w eariug ratlier casu.ii dotlies whidi are also comfort<ible.



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