•    account in a bank from which the customer can withdraw the money when he wants CURRENT ACCOUNT

•    bank account which pays interest but on which noticc has to be given to withdraw the money SAVING ACCOUNT

•    machinę which gives out cash when a special card is inserted and special instructions given CASHPOINT

•    amount of money which a company or a person can withdraw from a bank account with the bank's permission. and which is morę than there is in the account OVERDRAFT

•    legał agreement where somcone lends money to another person so that he can buy a property. the property being the security MORTGAGE

•    moving money from a bank account to another account TRANSFER

•    money in coins and notes which is uscd in a particular country CURRENCY

•    bank which offers banking services to the public COMMERCIAL BANK

•    bank which arranges loans to companies and deals with international finance MERCHANT BANK

•    to officially produce something such as new stamps, coins, or shares and make them available to buy ISSUE

•    an official document promising that a govemment or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest BONI)

•    the joining together of two or morę companies or organizations to form one larger one MERGER

•    offer to buy all or most of the shares in a company so as to control it TAKEOVER BID

•    group of loans. mortgages, investmcnts. etc., all belonging to the same individual or company PORTFOLIO

•    partnership open to a smali number of rich investors. which invests in equities. currcncy futures and dcrivatives and may produce high retums but carries a very high risk HEDGE FUND

•    ordinary shares in a company EQUITIES

•    any forms of traded security which are derived from ordinary bonds and shares, exchange rates or stock market indices DERIVATIVES

•    purchases of foreign currcncy for delivery at a futurę datę CURRENCY FUTURES

•    profit or income from money invested RETURN

•    to officially end the law REPEAL

•    reducing govcrnmcnt control over an industry DEREGULATION

•    payment madę by a borrower for the use of money INTEREST

•    a Computer program that can show and calculate financial Information SPREADSHEET

•    amount which a credit agency feels a customer should be allowed to borrow CREDIT RATING

•    failure to pay back a debt DEFAULT

•    security used to provide a guarantee for a loan COLLATERAL

•    organization which takes money from smali investors and invests it in stocks and shares for them, the invcstmcnt being in the form of units in the fund MUTUAL FUND

•    making a loan or mortgage into a tradeablc security by issuing a bill of exchange or other ncgotiable paper in place of the loan SECURITIZATION

•    to rcmove an asset from the accounts as having no value WRITE OFF

•    order written by a customer asking a bank to pay money rcgularly to an account STANDING ORDER

•    system where a customer allows a company to charge costs to his bank account automatically DIRECT DEBIT

•    shares which are backed by the security of a mortgage MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES

•    investment-grade securities backed by a pool of bonds, loans and other assets COLLATERALIZED DEBT OBLIGATIONS

•    financial services for poor and Iow-income clients offered by different types of scrvice providers MICROFINANCE

•    financial institution which accepts and pays interest on deposits and lends money to people who are buying property against the security of the property BUDLDING SOCIETY

•    difference between the interest ratę a bank pays on deposits and the ratę it charges borrowers SPREAD


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