1.    any forms of traded security which are derived from ordinary bonds or shares, exchange rates or stock market indices


2.    trading in shares, currency or commodities for delivery at a later datę FUTURES

3.    giving someone the riglit to buy or sell a security, a Financial instrument, a commodity, etc. at a certa in price on a certa in datę


4.    option to buy shares at a certain price CALL OPTION

5.    option to sell shares at a certain price PUT OPTION

6.    agreement to use a certain currency for payments under a contract in exchange for another currency


7.    agreement between two co mp a nieś to exchange futurę interest payments INTEREST RATĘ SWAP

8.    protecting oneself against possible loss by buying investments at a fixed price for delivery later IIEDGING

9.    things sold in very large quantities, especially raw materials and food, for example metal or corn COMMODITIES

10.    price at which an option will be put into effect EXERCISE PRICE / STRIKE PRICE

11.    market in securities for delivery at a datę in the futurę FUTURES MARKET

12.    market for buying commodities or financial instruments for immediate delivery SPOT MARKET

13.    to increase in value APPRECIATE

14.    to lose value DEPRECIATE

15.    ratę above the previous ratę PREMIUM

16u amount by which something is sold for less than its value DISCOUNT

17.    value which exists as part of something INTRINSIC VALUE

share is currently at share is currently trading at

18.    option to buy at a lower price or to sell at a higher price than the IN-THE-MONEY

19.    option to buy at a higher price or to sell at a lower price than the OUT-OF-THE-MONEY

20.    ratę of interest on the loan which is not fixed, but can change with the current bank interest rates FLOATING RATĘ

21.    ratę which does not change FIXED RATĘ

22.    allowance which can be set off against tax TAX BREAK

23.    State of a person's current financial holding in a stock POSITION


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