Biernym (Past Participle), czyli w przypadku czasowników regylamych jest to końcówka ed' (np. work - worked - workecf). a w przypadku czasowników nieregularnych ich trzecia forma (go - went - ęone)

Past Perfect jest używany, gdy jedna z czynności odbytych w przeszłości jest wyraźnie "starsza", n.p. I hadjust finished to read the book w hen the lights went out.

Typowym określeniem czasu dla Past Perfect jest słowo by (do czasu, gdy. . .) np. I had written fi\e pages by six o'clock yesterday.


I Put tlie words in brackets in Present Perfect or Simple Past tenses.

GeofF: I (not see you) for a few weeks. Wliere you (be)?

Jacky: I (go) to the United States on holiday.

Geoff: Oh, really? How long you (spend) there?

Jacky: About tliree weeks.

Geoff: And you (enjoy) yourself?

Jacky: Oh yes, it (be) tlie best holiday I ever (have).

Geoff: Wliere you (stay)?

Jacky: Oh, we (fly) to Los Angeles, then we (hire) a car and (drive) to San Francisco, Las Vegas and

lots of other places.

Geoff: Wonderfiil. How many times you (be) to tlie United States?

Jacky: Twice, but tliis (be) my first visit to the West Coast.

Geoff: I (stay) in New York once, but it (be) only for a night

Jacky: Weil, remind me to sliow you the pliotos I (take) when I Oiave) tliem developed.

Geoff: I'd love to see them.

II.    Put the words in brackets in Simple Past or Past Progresshe.

1.    Columbus (discover) America in 1492.

2.    Wliere you (go) last Saturday when I (see) you in tlie Street?

3.    I (plan) to go skiing in Febwary, but I (break) my leg at Cliristmas.

4.    She (liear) tlie news while she (prepare) diruiei.

5.    Wliile it (rain) tliey (stay) in tlieir hotel, but as soon as the siui (eonie) out, tliey (go) to the beach.

6.    Last year the govemment (announce) tliey intend to build morę liouses.

7.    Wliile tlie paint (dry) in tlie kitchen, tliey (begin) painting tlie hall

8.    After lie (leave) tlie bar, he (catch) tlie bus and (go) liome.

9.    1 (meet) my wife when I (work) in Barbados.

10.    Jolin (pay) you back tlie money he (owe) you?

III.    Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

For my mothePs seventieth birthday we (decide) to send her to visit my brother in Australia,

whom she (not see) for over ten years. The evening before she (leave), I (go) round to see her.


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