The Labour Party - overview

- The Labour Party was formed by James Hardie in 1892 to represent the

working class and was morę or less the parliamentary wing of the Trade

Unions, with whom the party continues to be closely associated. James

Ramsay MacDonald became the first socialist Prime Minister in 1924.

The Labour Party is a mass political party of the British workers. It is a

reformist party because it is for social reforms, yet against revolutionary

change. It advocates a mixed economy, i.e. nationalization of some key

industries while leaving the rest of the economy in private hands.

Labour govemments introduced several important social reforms, most

notably, the National Health Service, tlie social security system, mass

education and the nationalisation of several leading industries. It is the party of

social justice as it stresses the importance of the well-being of society rather

than indWidual freedom.

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - success of the party.


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