C. Augustę Dupin - all set in Parts; tlie murderer is an ape. In the stories “The Murders in tlie Rue Moigue” and “Tlie Purloined Letter,” Poe cneates tlie genre of detective fiction and tlie ortginal expert sleutli. C. Augustę Dupin. In both "The Murders in tlie Rue Moigue” and "The Purloined Letter/' Dupin works outside conventional police metliods, and he uses liis distance from traditional law enforcement to explore new ways of solving crimes. He continually argues that tlie Paris police exliibit stale and unoriginal metliods of analysis. He says that the police are easily distracted by the specific facts of tlie crime and are unable to provide an objective standpoint from which to inve$tigate. In "The Murders in tlie Rue Morgue,” tlie police cannot move beyond the gniesome naturę of the double homicide. Because they are so distracted by the mutilated and choked victims. they do not closely inspect the Windows of the apartment, włiich reveal a point of entry and escape. Dupin distances himself from tlie emotional aspect of tlie scene’s Molence. Like a matliematician. he views tlie crime scene as a site of calculation, and he considers tlie moves of tlie murderer as though pitted against him in a chess gamę.
The Businessman
About tlie deal with American context
Poe was not very kind of evoking American setting; instead, he evoked i ma gi nary spaces - can’t be defined in geognaphical terms
Criticised American priorities
Evident outcome - illuminates to Americans - a man starts several different businesses, easily switches hoping he would get a lot of profit
llow to Write a Blackwood Article
a satirical "liow-to" essay on formulaic horror stories typically printed in tlie Scottish Bladśwęods Magami? and others.
The term "article", in Poe's time, also commonly referred to sliort stories rather tlian just non-fiction. In this mock essay, Poe stresses tlie need for elevating sensations in writing. The sensations sliould bnild up. it says, umil the finał moment, usually inevitable death. That finał action, however, is unimportant compared to the bnild-iip (case in point. Psyche Zenobia does not seem to die at the end of "A Predicament").
Mocks tlie way of.....horror fiction