group, many others have chosen to use the term, when they used it at aII, without the eauals sians. while "language writing" and "language-centered writing" are also commonly used, and perhaps the most generic terms. Nonę of the poets associated with the tendency have used the equal signs when referring to the writing collectively, and its appearance in some critical articles can be read as an index of the author's outsider status.111 Online writing samples of many language poets can be found on internet sites, including blogs and sites maintained by authors and through gateways such as the Electronic Poetry Center. PennSound. and UbuWeb.
Poetics of language writing: theory and practice
Language poetry emphasizes the reader's role in bringing meaning out of a work and came about, at least in part, in response to the sometimes uncritical use of expressive lyric sentiment among earlier poetry movements to which the Language poets felt a kinship. In the 1950s and '60s certain groups of poets had followed William Carlos Williams in his use of idiomatic American English rather than what they considered the 'heightened,1 or overtly poetic language favored by the New Criticism movement. In particular New York School poets like Frank 0'Hara and The Black Mountain aroup emphasized both speech and everyday language in their poetry and poetics. In contrast, some of the Language poets emphasized metonvmv. synecdoche and extreme instances of paratactical structures in their compositions, which, even when employing everyday speech, created a far different texture. The result is often alien and difficult to understand at first glance, which is what Language poetry intends: for the reader to participate in creating the meaning of the poem.111 With reference to earlier poetry movements, it would be important to notę that both Watten's & Grenier's magazine This (and This Press that Watten edited) along with the magazine L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, published work by notable Black Mountain poets such as Robert Creeley and Larrv Eianer. Si II i ma n considers Language poetry to be a