
The situation bccomcs much morę complex but still tractable when we consider non resistivc terminations at the load cnd. As an example we will consider as shown in Figurę 2.14 a transmission linę terminated at the load cnd by a capacitancc C. The structurc is again excited from a voltagc sourcc Vsthrough a resistor Rsand a switch which is closed at timc t = 0.

At the sending end we have no reversc wave for 0 <t <2T. Then we use the preiously describcd cquivalcnt circuitto detcrminc the initial forward wavc. This wavc rcaches the load at t = T. However,

with a non-resistive termination we cannot, in the time domain, definc T v(L). Instead, we return to the basie equations at the load end, and write


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