back down - to give up - poddać się backup - support - wsparcie

ban - to forbid sth or to make it illegal (synonym: proliibit, opposite: allow) - zakazać

bank statement - wyciąg z banku

bankrupt - without enough money to pay wliat you owe

bar - in England, the collective na me for the profession of barrister

barriers to trade -iimitation to trade - bariery dla handlu

to be based in (somewhere) - to be established somewhere as the main place where you work or live - osiadły, zakotwiczony

to be fired on-the-spot - that an employee is dismissed immediately without any warning (employer dismissed the employee summarily) to be on the blink - to break down - popsuć się befall - to face

to befall misfortunes - napotykać nieszcęścia beforchand - in advance

beneficiary - one that receives benefits - benefident

benefits in kind - profits that are goods - korzyści rzeczowe

better safe than sorry - better to be caution than regret later - przezorny zawsze


bias - favouring of one or other side in argument rather than remaining neutral - stronniczość bill - project ustawy

binding to describe an agreement that court says must be obeyed. - wiążący blacklist - to put a person, country, product etc on a list of debtors bonę fide - real, tnie, in good faith

bounce - an informal word to describe the act of a bank returning a cheque to the person who

has tried to cash it because there is insufficient money in the account

bound - tied, must carry out the obligations - związany

branch out into sonie field - to expand business - poszerzać działalność

brand - design, logo or name of a product - marka

to bring smb into disrepute - to act in such way that smb gains very bad opinion brcach - a failure to carry out the terms of a contract, not to honour the promises madę broke - having no money

budget — a plan of anticipated income and expenditure, usually for the year ahead bulk - in bulk - if you buy goods in bulk, you buy large amounts each time you buy them bullying - to use strength or power tot hurt or frighten somebody who is weaker bullying - to put pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want -molestowanie

burden - the burden of proof - the duty and responsibility to prove that something is true -ciężar dowodu

by-law - przepis lokalny (am. ordinance)


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