Deleting Expired Backups

Deleting expired backups rcmoves from thc RMAN repository those backups that are listed as EXPIRED. Expircd backups are those found to be inaccessible during a cross-check. No attempt is madę to delete the files containing the backup from disk or tape; this action updates only the RMAN repository.

To delete expired backups:

1.    Conncct RMAN to thc targct databasc as dcscribed in "Connccting to thc Target Databasc" on page 9-9.

2.    Optionally, cross-check backup scts by using the following command:


Cross-checking backups before you delete expired backups provides RMAN with up-to-date information about which backups are expircd.

3.    Delete cxpired backups using the following command:


The expired backup scts and image copies are delctcd from thc RMAN repository.


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