Installing Oracle Database Software

This section briefly dcscribcs thc stcps for a dcsktop-class installation. Most stcps are common to all platforms and involve running the Oracle Universal Installer. Platform-specific steps are noted. For further assistance, consult the online Help or the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

To perform a basie installation:

1.    Log on to your Computer as a member of thc administrative group that is authorized to install Oracle Database software and to crcatc and run the database. Refer to your operating system-specific documentation or contact your system administrator to detcrminc whether you havc thc nccessary privileges and permissions to install new software.

2.    Do one of the following:

■ II you are installing from distribution media, then insert the distribution media for the database into your Computer.

Notę: To use Oracle ASM for rccovery area storage. you must have installcd Oracle ASM as part of an Oracle Grid Infrastructurc installation and created one or morę disk groups before performing the Oracle Database installation.

Notę: The following steps describe the Oracle Universal Installer workflow for a host Computer that has no previous Oracle software installcd. If your host Computer has Oracle software installcd. then you may sec a different workflow.


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