internetwork shares the overall charactenstics of a LAN and m this section ONLY the uniąue hardware, software and protocols necessary for intemetworking will be considered.
Bridges Routers Gateways Topolog y
Software (see 1.1)
Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
Addressing (IP)
Transparent communication over networks Security
Network access control
1.3 Wide Area Networks and Wide Area Internetworks
A Wide Area Network is a number of computers connected together which are geographically remote. These computers could be a single Computer connected to a another Computer which is geographically remote or two or morę geographically distant Local Area Networks connected together to form a Wide Area Internetwork. These reąuire suitable hardware, software and a protocol to permit data to flow between them.
Wide Area Networks can rangę in scalę, for example:
• a home Computer connected to a bulletin board
• a LAN in a company head Office linked to a branch office LAN
• the Computer networks belonging to a bank or building society
• the Internet.
Wide Area Internetworks share the overall characteristics of a Local Area Internetwork as described in 1.2 and in this section ONLY the uniąue hardware, software and protocols necessary for Wide Area Networks/Internetworks will be considered.
Modems (speed, data compression, error detection/correction)
ISDN (adapters, routers)
Cable modems
Radio link (satellite, microwave)
Topolog y
Client (dial-up, e-mail, browser, news reader)
Server (e-mail, search engine, web server, proxy, cache)
Circuit/packet switching
Protocols (FTP, SMTP, HTTP, Telnet, SLIP, PPP)
Computing Support Materials: Computer Networking (H)