Modifying Memory SettingsAutomatic Shared Memory Management

Bcforc you modify mcmory scttings for automatic shared memory management, usc the SGA Advisor graph in EM Exprcss to predict the pcrccntagc of time savcd by using a different total SGA size. This section assumes that automatic memory management is disabled, and that automatic shared memory management is enabled. To predict the percentage of time saved for different SGA memory sizes:

1.    In EM Express, from the Configuration menu, select Memory.

The Memory Management page appears. In the Memory Settings section, the Management Modę value is Auto in the SGA Memory subsection.This indicates that Automatic Shared Memory Management is enabled for the database.

2.    Use the SGA Advisor graph (which appears to the right of the Memory Settings section) to predict the percentage of time saved for potential SGA memory sizes.


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