Replication and System Functions

Certain functions do not replicate well under some conditions:

•TheUSERO [1293J, CURRENT_USER() [1287] (or CURRENTJJSER [1287]), UUIDO [1300],

VERSION () [1293], and LOAD_FILE () [1201] functions are replicated without change and thus

do not work reliably on the slave unless row-based replication is enabled. (See Section 16.1.2,

“Replication Formats’’.)

USER () [1293] and CURRENT_USER () [1287] are automatically replicated using row-based

replication when using MIXED modę, and generate a warning in STATEMENT modę. (See also

Section, "Replication of CURRENT_USER()’’.) This is alsotrue for VERSION () [1293] and RAND () [1226],


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