somebody’s balance - keeping upright position in tlie standing (równowaga) to strike a balance between sth - to ensnre that both parts are eąually important bank balance - the amount of money In bank account (saldo bankowe) marriage civil ceremony - ceremony in the office, not in church
to be civil to sb - no to be hostile, to be qnite nice to sb
civil liberties - the rights which we have as
human beings
to take a new tum - change
to speak out of tum - mówić nie po kolei,
cliaotycznie, wyrwać się nic w porę
the tum of the century - the end of the
open invitation - everybody is invited open days in university open fire - not protected fire generał election - iuiiversal vote generał sense of sth - generał feeling of sth generał increase in sth - overall increase under normal conditions - under normal circumstances
conditions in document - points, restrictions appalling conditions - terrible surroundings = warunki ur^gaj^ce godności
bus service - bus connection service = work
price includes service - the fact that waiters brings dishes is included in the price
to deal a blow to sth - to destroy chances of sth
to deal with sb - to meet, to talk, to communicate
deal cards - rozdawać karty
to rock the baby - kołysać dziecko
an explosion rocks sth - it shakes sth
(naruszyć coś)
to rock sb - to shock sb
from every comer of the world - from
to negotiate the comer - to predict the tum in somebody’s comer - at somebody's side