Kamila Wojdyło

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Zakrzewska, M. (1994). Analiza czynnikowa w budowaniu i sprawdzaniu modeli psychologicznych. Seria Psychologia i Pedagogika Nr 95. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.

Kamila Wojdyło

Erzichungs-, Familien- und Lebensberatungsstelle

des Naemi-Wilke-Stiftes



The Work Addiction Risk Test (WART) — Polish adaptation and preliminary analysis of its psychometrie properties

The aim of the presented study was the Polish adaptation of the Work Addiction Risk Test (WART, Robinson, 1998; Robinson and Phillips, 1995) and investigating its psychometrie characteristics. The ąuestion-naire tneasures addictive work pattems. The psychometrie properties of the Polish version of the inventory were verified in a study with students and workers (N = 218). Statistical analyses of the ąuestionnaire inclu-ded assessment of the inventoiy’s reliability, construct validity and di-scriininatiye power. The Cronbach alpha coefficient (0.87) indicated satisfactory intemal consistency. Correlations between tlie iteins and the global score on the Work Addiction Risk Test indicated satisfactory ho-mogeneity. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to verify the theore-tical structure of the ąuestionnaire. Five basie dimensions were identi-fied which, according to the theory, constitute the workaholism construct: (1) Obsession/Compulsion (2) Emotional Arousal/Perfectionism (3) Overdoing (4) Outcome Orientation and (5) Self-Worth. The factors accounted for 50.61% of the total yariance. Each of the 25 items discri-minated significantly between respondents with regard to addictive work pattems. These findings support the conclusion, that the WART is a valid and reliable ąuestioimaire of addictive work pattems.


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