1.3 Thesis topie and scope of the research
Change management has been studied for a long time. Successful implementation of changes is affecting futurę of organisations. A research company Prości found out that when change management is effectwe, it is six times morę likely that project objectives will be met or even exceeded. They State that companies do need to know certain meth-ods, tools, and techniques to implement changes successfulfy. (Prości 2014.)
Present research focuses on emphasising the main topics and issues that have to be covered and took into consideration when managing organisational change and leading people through it. This thesis is madę to help managers to recognise main success factors when implementing changes. Biggest part of the research is about managing people be-cause. as it was mentioned before, nearly all people in organisation from top management to employees from different departments should take actwe part in a change process to make it successful. Figurę 1 visualises scope of the research and presents relationships between managers and employees in the situation of organisational change.
Figurę 1. Scope of the research
Research questions (RQs) are:
• How to implement organisational change successfully?
• How to lead employees through change successfully?