Part D

(Answer all questions .Each question carries 1 marks)

18. Single factor theory of Intelligence was given by

1. Alfred Binet 3. Freemen

2. Thomdike

3.    Nonę of the Above

19.    A superior child is advanced to a normal child by atleast

1. 2 !/2 yrs    2. 4 yrs

3.1 yr    4.4 V2 yrs

20.    which of the following method is most suitable for leaming disabled children

1 .Behaviour Guidance Method    2.Remedial Teaching

3.Brain Storming    4. Nonę of the above

21.    The first Psychologist who systematically studied behaviour was

l.Wund    2.J.B.Watson

3. Pavlov    4. Nonę of the    above

22.    Principles ofPhilosophy of William James was published in the year

1. 1890    2. 18883

3. 1906    4. 1913

23.    The first Philosopher who integrated psychology with education at least theoretically was

1. Pestalozzi    2. John Locke

3. Aristotle    4. Nonę of the    Above

24.    Who among the following is described as Father of Psychoanalysis

1. Erik H Erikson    2.Jean Piaget

3. Jerome S Bruner    4. Sigmund Freud

25. The period of sensory motor stage is 1.0-2 years    2.1-3 years

3.3-5 years    4.4-6 years



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