2 Answer the questions.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 How often do you write letters?
2 Do you get any letters?
3 Do you send postcards when you're on holiday?
4 Do you often talk on the phone?
5 Have you ever sent an e-mail?
6 Have you ever sent a text message?
Ą Can you read these text messages?
Czy potrafisz odczytać te SMS-y?
CU @ 8 = See you at eight
Dopasuj do siebie połówki zdań.
1 Martin likes sending
2 Tina always writes postcards
3 You have to put on a stamp
4 Why haven't you phoned
5 Could you read
6 Did Indians use
a your mum yet? b text messages to his friends.
C smoke signals to communicate? d if you want to post a letter. e this codę for me, please? f from holidays.
1_ 2_ 3_
Przeczytaj poniższe słowa.
Jakie to litery alfabetu? Czy wiesz, co te słowa znaczą? Jeśli nie, sprawdź w słowniku.
bee = B
1 tea = _
2 sea - _
3 eye =_
4 you = _
5 why = _
6 are =_
7 queue = _