12th International Conference of Young Naturalists

-    "From Biotechnology to Environmental Protection Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young


22-24 November 2017, Zielona Góra, Poland

The Biologist Scientific Union of University of Zielona Góra would like to invite for the 12”' International Conference of Young Naturalists -"From Biotechnology to Environmental Protection"

-    The Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Naturalists.

The Conference will be held on 22-24 Nouember 2017 In Zielona Góra. The conference is designed to young researchers (especially students and PhD students of natural Sciences) who want to present the results of their research activities.

The basis for the participation in the conference is the orał presentation or the presentation of the poster. The conference will be held within such sections:

• Humań biology and zoology • Molecular biology • Biotechnology • Botany • Ecology • Environmental Protection Electronic application should besend till 20October and the abstract till 30 October 2017.

or cali +48 507832795

Website of the conference: http://bioconference.wnb.uz.zgora.pl/index.php


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