8ŁM0 1 IMT WB Ss Contenw <jxp Blaro 1 INT WB Ss CorrtenW &-24/16 19 47 P%^3


Workbook Module 1 - Helto!

Vocabulary Practice ............... p.    2

Grammar Practice............................................p.    4

Skills Practice................ p.    6

Module 2 - My world

Vocabulary Practice..........................................p.    8

Grammar Practice................... p.    10

Skills Practice................ p.    12

Module 3 - Around the clock

Vocabuiary Practice................ p.    14

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    16

Skills Practice.....................................................p.    18

Module 4 - Free Time

Vocabulary Practice ........................ p.    20

Grammar Practice..........................................p. 22

Skills Practice...........................-...... p.    24

Module 5 - Rain or Shinc

Vocabuiary Practice................ p.    26

Grammar Practice.................. p.    28

Skills Practice................................... p.    30

Module 6 - Food tor thought

Vocabuiary Practce........................ p.    32

Grammar Practice.............................................p.    34

Skills Practice................ p.    36

Module 7 - Going places

Vocabulary Practice..........................................p.    38

Grammar Practice.................. p.    40

Skills Practce.....................................................p.    42

Module 8 - What's in your futurę?

Vocabulary Practice ............... p.    44

Grammar Practice................... p.    46

Skills Practice .............. p.    48

Revision in prepositions.......................................p.    50

Vocabulary practice ......... p.    51

Grammar Book Module 1

Personal subjecfobject pronouns,

The verb to be. (atfirmative/negative).

The indetiniie artitfe aJan,

Thepturai.......................................................p. 2

Module 2

The verb to be (interrogatrve & short answers). Ouestion words. The possessive case.

Possessne ad|ectives, have got.

Adiectives^'Order ot adjectrves,

Comparative/Superiative adjectim..................p. 4

Module 3

Present simpte.................-..............................p. 8

Module 4

can. must/mustnt - bave to/don't have to.

Adverbs ol frequency.

Prcposdions ot tme...........................................p.    10

Module 5

Present continuous. Present simple vs

Present continuous...........................................p.    12

Module 6

CountaWe/Uncountabie nouns. Plurais.

There i$/Thero are. some/any - a/an. a faw/taw - a bttte/uttle. a lot of/lots of -

much/many. can/coufd/may..............................p.    14

Module 7

thu/these - that/those - one/ones,

Preposdions ot place. The imperatwe. was/were - had. Past simple (regi/ar/

irregular vert»)...................................................p. 18

Module 8

Futurę ample    be gong to.

mo-be gong to ..............................p. 22

Irregular Verbs......................................................p. 24

Notę: The Skills Practice sections of the Workbook provide practice in var»ous examinations.



indcates tasks related to Elementary Level (AIM Awards - Anglia) exams. indcates tasks related to Movers (Y.LE - Cambridge) exams. indcates tasks related to KET for Schools (Cambridge) exams.


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