a/ a 1\k/ job
b) not as gccd as pcopleclaim
c) causcd thingstogo wixxig
d) mad cvc ry cas y for thcm c) sumccfinancially
0 a situation w herc you hacctwo ycrydiffcrcnt adcantagcs
ld 2 c 3 m 4 n 7 c 81 9 f 10 g 13 b 14 h
> i 11 a
c) KI d id n' t havc to ga to work temorrow, I wcxild sbi vat homc.
f) KI had bccn gtxxl a t mi tli, I would hayestudied itatcdlcge.
g) KI had di>nc m.'ix' cxcrcisc w hen I was young:r, I would be a lot lica lth i er now.
li) I f I d bccn born with vcry rich paa-nts, I would n t lx- doing this
uf a sioirdy stnann of yxr»].Mc
b) digest thc in format ion
c) usc your timc miix* protitably
d) lxxxl for thought c) a half-bakcd idea
f) spxiix' a couplc ot mi nutes
g) spx-nt thc cwening li) trickling slowly
i) was ti ng you r ti mc
j) worth ycxir whilc
b) H S> p
c) H h) P
d) H c) P
b) 2 g) 4
c) 7 h) 1
d) 3 c) 6
3 Gold
a) was going
b) would scc
c) thcy had had
d) thcncxtday
c) wasnt finishcd 0 would lovc g) 'd gonc li) wcwcrc going
a) lic had just won
b) lic had won: hc was going todo
c) hcdidn't know; hcwould buy
d) would usc up c) hcwantcd
0 shc wantcd g) thcy wcrc gc-i ng li) shc was doi ng
a) ' I got thetickets.
b) "Can/Could I scc thcm?"
c) Wlicn arc wc leacing?
d) "You havc (got) twodays togct rcady."
c) "Doi nccd tobringany mancy?' 0 I II pay for cccrything." g) I m going to bu y soirr ncw ciot li cs."
li) "Do you wanttocomc/gowith mc?"
i) I II wait for you at 1ioitv.
K I d stud icd liaidcr at school, I d ha w a better job.
b) 11 it was/wcrc midc ot ix*a 1 gold, it would be worth a lot.
c) K thcy had n t corncrcd thc market, thcy wculdnK ha vc put up thc pricc.
d) 11 lic d idn t havc a talcn t for scx’ing a gap in thc market, hewouldn t ha vc mule millions.
c) Ifshc had realized it was \ aluablc, shc would n t ha vc givcn it a way.
f) I f my time wasn t /weren't so pixx-icus, I would havcspokcn to thcm.
g) KI liadn t lxx’n working la te, I would n t haye missed thc movic.
li) KI had known you wcrccoming. I would ha\ c coitv to mcct you.
5 brcadwinner
6 pean uts
7 a rainy day
8 debt
priccy ha ixl
? range
6 budget
7 shx*tch
I was looking R>r something a Iittle mi tc coloiful.
I was wondering if you miglit haye semething a littlc less formil.
I was tli inking otsomething a littlc mcTr cxciting.
I was hopi ng for something a littlc less cxpvnsiyc.
I d likc something that kx4:s a littlc older.
I d pix*for something a littlc morc fun.
a) KI was/wcrc thc p rcsi den t ot my country, I d spend morc maneyon thc encironment.
b) KI cc er had thcchancc, I d takca ycar ittand go travcling.
c) KI could livcanywhere in thc world, I d próba bly buy a beach villa in thcCariblx*an.
Nav Arieriean foside Out
Vocabulary |
Pronunciation i |
i a) officc d) action |
a) wcalthy d) spccial |
b) a trash c) a risk |
b) w het ller c) strctch |
c) a fortu ne f) wa y |
c) treasure f) dclugc 2 |
2 a) tcok c) haw / takc |
a) tj b) d5 c) 3 d) 0 c) ; f) ó |
b) make f) liacing | |
c) takc g) takc |
Reading |
d) make: takc li) make |
i |
3 |
a) by inccntinga mcatball-mi king |
a) dinner c) less |
machinę |
b) action t) cx.im |
b) ten ycais |
c) fortunę g) ditticulh- |
c) tliat thcy can also bcsucccssful it |
d) way li) duty |
thcy takc a fcw risks and bclicyc in |
4 |
their d wams |
a) 5 b) 9 c) 7 d) 6 c) 1 0 8 |
2 |
g) 10 h) 4 i) 3 j) 2 |
a) 5 b) 4 c) 6 d) 2 c) 1 0 3 |
5 |
3 |
a) lExprcssions a/5, c/7, d/6 |
a) F b) F c) T d) T c) F f) F |
b) I^piyssions b/9, g/10 |
g) F li) F i) T |
c) Exprcssions e/1, f/8, h/4, i/3, |
/. |
j/2 | |
a) entrcprcncur d) persewra ncc | |
b) cxpcrt c) airod | |
c) prototj'pc | |
e HacmiUn SA. d-C.V. Z010 |