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^ answerkey.pdf |
! -A |
2 1
b) 6 f) 2
d) 8 li) 5
d) 4
b) 5 f) 7
1 Impressions
S> 7 j ust bought was walking saw
had Iwn looking was sclling uscd k-> havc always fcel m wcaring
a) Sodocs Ycnice.
b) Sois Titanic.
c) Ncithcr Has Jodic Poster.
d) Sod id Daniel Day-Lcwis. c) So d ocs Keifer Su tlierla nd.
f) Ncithcr has AntonioBandcras.
g) Ncithcr was Schwa rzenegger.
h) So d id Tom Hanks.
Scntcnccs c, f, and h arc complctcly un truć.
a) Sodo i. / I don't!
b) So havc I. / I haven't!
c) Sowould I. / I won Idnt!
d) Ncithcr do I. / I do! c) Ncithcr do I. / I do!
f) Soam I. / I m not!
g) Sod id I. / I didn t!
h) Ncithcr havc I. / I havc!
i) Ncithcr could I /Icould!
a) weren't you
b) arent you
c) arc you
d) do you
c) don't you
f) d idn t you
g) can you
h) havc ycxi i ) did you
docsnt she did I arcn't I havcn't you was it does she dothcy
Do you mi nd telling me hew you met liirn or her?
Could you tell rrx what your first thoughts were?
Do you tli ink tliat you madę a gtxxl impressien on liirn orlier? Do you know what hc ct she js ddng no w?
I d like k' know if/whether you still havc thcsamccpinion about tliis person.
I3o you know know what kind of salary you a rc kxi:ing tor?
Could you tell me which political party you votc k'i ?
IAi you tli ink tliat you work well u nderstress?
tX-> you mind telling m.- if/ w het ller you ha \-e ever lxx’n in trcublc with the p\4icc?
I d like k-> know what is morę imp\'rtant k->r you: money or job satisfacticn.
Wbuld \'ixi s>iy tliat you arc a morning person oran "afternoon pcrsi-fi ?
I d like k' know whether you bclieec i n Gcd.
a) Speaker A
b) Speaker A
c) SpcakerB
d) Spcakerl) c) Speaker A f) Spea ker I)
Usitally ihvc charaderistics: warm, cha rming. hea rty. sparkli ng Lkiiall)/ negatiw charactcristics: ahasivc, fakc, harsh, slirill, sh ident c) 2
g) 3
a) charming |
c) sta ring |
b) firm |
f) spiky |
c) impassiec |
g) husky |
d) firced |
h) designer |
4 | |
a) rcdiscovcr |
e) relocate |
b) rcunite |
f) rcconsidcr |
c) rebuild |
g) rew rite |
d) ix’invent |
h) rcschcdule |
5 | |
a) rearrange |
c) rcmakc |
b) rcconstiuct |
f) redo |
c) rethink |
g) repackagc |
d) reword |
h) re-cxamine |
6 | |
a) buckie |
c) slcc\c |
b) zippx'r |
f) W t |
c) butk^n |
g) hem |
d) Cllff |
h) collar |
7 | |
a) euff |
d) slccvc |
b) butk^n |
c) buckie |
c) belt | |
8 | |
1 c 2 d 3 a |
4 c 5 b |
9 | |
1 guess |
4 up |
2 can't |
5 annoying |
3 dcxvn | |
10 | |
1 tliat |
7 resemblano |
2 ovcr |
8 same |
3 one |
9 rea-gnizc |
4 with |
10 kxiks |
5 image |
11 like |
6 bcars |
12 leoking |
Weiv Arieriean fosidc Out
D r HacmlUn KUrJ«v SA. deC.V. 2010