8 Attraction
a) It is thought (that) thcy havc had a
b) 11 is saki (that) thcy are getting dieorced.
c) It is bdicecd (that) an announccmcnt will bcmadc
d) It lias bccn suggcstcd that Frań ces has takcn tlić chi Idrcn toLcs Angeles.
c) It has bccn said (that) William wan ts custody of the eh ildren.
f) It is bclicvcd (that) Franccs has fallcn inloecwith a younger min
g) It is thought (that) thcy will be gettingmarried in the spring.
a) Choedate is thought to rei ieve stress.
b) Blondes are bdic\fcd to ha ve ireirc fun.
c) Cray hair is thought to be attractivcinmcn.
d) Pale skin was said to be a sign of great beauty.
e) Cosmetie singery was cnoe considcrcd fo be an cxpcnsivc luxury.
f) Brown cycs are belicvcd to be stronger than bluc cycs.
g) Wbrking in front of a Computer screen is known to lv had for your cycs.
a) Get ycxir cycs cxamincd!
b) She is ha ving her portrait painted.
c) Mfc had a sparc key midc.
d) I have to get the car washed.
e) I Iavc you had your picturcs printed yet?
f) I t s time we had the Windows eleaned.
g) Could you havc my l\igs sent up to my ixxmti?
a) I had my cycs tested last wock.
b) You need toget your bikc fixcd.
c) You should get your hair cut.
d) Were going k' havc this wa II knockcd down.
c) The ccxnpa ny is going k' get its logo changcd.
f) V\b had the car chceked last wcck.
g) I wa nt toget my noce stra ightcncd
h) You should get your hemework chcckcd.
4 | |||
1 |
big |
6 |
high |
2 |
whitc |
7 |
dimplcs |
3 |
fuli |
8 |
eje brews |
4 5 |
sm.x'th Lxinc |
9 |
cjes |
5 | |||
a) |
self-centercd |
d) |
level-headcd |
b) |
grxiwn-up |
c) |
open-mindcd |
c) |
la id-l\ic k |
f) |
down-to-carth |
6 | |||
1 |
self-centercd |
4 |
open-mindcd |
2 |
la id-l\ic k |
5 |
down-to-carth |
3 |
level-hcadcd |
6 |
grown-up |
7 | |||
a) |
self-centercd |
d) |
down-to-carth |
b) |
open-mindcd |
C) |
level-headcd |
c) |
grxiwn-up |
f) |
laid-back |
8 | |||
a) |
sclfish |
d) |
unpix-k-n tious |
b) |
tderant |
C) |
scnsible |
c) |
matu le |
f) |
nelaxcd |
9 | |||
1 |
scnsitivc |
6 |
conven tion.il |
2 |
cari ng |
7 |
cnigmitic |
3 |
scnsible |
8 |
u nfriend ly |
4 practic.il 5 trustworthy 10 |
9 |
dependa blc |
a) I Iow cften do ycxi get your ha ir cut?
b) I Iavc you eve r cons id cred having a tattoodone?
c) When was the last time you had your cycs tested?
d) Wheie do you usually get you r picturcs printed?
c) I Iavc you ever thought about get ti n g you r n a mc c ha nged ?
f) How cften do yeti have your nails dene?
g) Wherc do you usually get you r pants hemmod?
h) When was the last time you gota key cut?
a) If you were to find som* meney on thestreet. what wouId you do with it?
b) Wbuld yeti havc cosmetie singery, assuming you had thcmoncy fo pay for it?
c) Imagine you could irukca radical changc ki ycxir lifcstylc; what change would you make?
d) Supposesomeone were togive you three wishes, what wtxild you wish for?
c) Supposi ng you were ki get the chance tospend an eeening with the cclebrity of you r choicc, who would you choose?
f) What job wcxi ld you li kc to do, assuming meney, time,and talent were nii objoct?
a) absent-mindcd
b) big-headcd
c) ca sy-going
d) gixxl-lvoking
e) level-headed
f) open-minded
g) self-centercd
h) la id-Kie k
a) cyc |
d) dimple |
b) eyebrow c) chcckbonc |
c) jaw |
2 | |
a) skin |
f) noec |
b) teetli |
g) checkbcncs |
c) cycs |
h) evebix->\is |
d) jaw c) smile |
i) lips |
square jaw, upturncd nosc
a) caring
b) skind-oflfish / unfriendly
c) cxpvrienced / maturę
d) trustworthy /dcpcndable c) mjsterious
f) straight
a) fcxit c) c>es
b) car f) ncck
c) shouldcr g) mind
d) clicst h) arm: leg
1 c 2 a 3 f 4 g 5 b 6 d 7 c 8 li
a) did I put my kx't in my mouth?
b) get it otf mychest
c) madę up his mind
d) aren t fi\'m this ncck cf the wtxxls c) a should er kiery on
f) I m up to my cycs (in work)
g) play it by car
li) ciist a n arm a nd a leg
a) F b) F c) F d) T c) F f) F g)T li) T
D r HacmtUn SA cfcC.V. 2010
’i'civ American Insi dc Out