1 w hen
2 as scx->n as
3 Whilc/As
4 then
5 after / as scxin as
6 Whilc
7 d uri ng
8 As soon as / When
9 until
k'taiły - completely Apparently- it sccmcd Suddenly- just then frantically - dcspcrately finally-at last
4 Challenge
•fi .i ihppftnwintrdpr m mfIiii iip. cncpiiPUiflLiiii hi n-..nu ip
mi naged to climb to the floor ot the canyon. As he was walking out etf thcca nyon, he met a grou p of pcoplc who had lx-en hiking in the arca. Theycallcd for help and a hclicopter scx'n arrivcd k' takc hi m to a nea rby hospital.
a) What had Aron bccndoing when the accident happvncd?
b) Why had n t a nyonc ccmc k' kxik for him?
c) Why hadnt heca 1 lal for help?
d) I Iow longhad hcwaital in the canyon?
c) What had hcdonctogetaway? f) What had he bccn doingwhen he met thehikers?
a) sclf-conscious
b) cnjoyablc
c) reasonable
d) sclf-discipline c) sclf-cstccm
f) acccssible
g) sclf-cmploycd
h) unbearable
i) achicval'lc
j) dalbie
a) had alwa\-s wanted; saw
b) ca me; just c loscd; j um ped
c) had bccn prepa ring: cancclcd
d) had never donc
e) had bccn waiting: had finally arrivcd; d idnt know
f) wcrc getting: ra ng: tdd; had stolen
a) /
b) I le hea id a stra ngc noisc bch ind him.
c) 11 sou ndcd as if scmt\'nc was fol Iow i nu him.
d) /
f) He had ncver felt soscarcd in his lifc.
h) John didn t kno.y what to da
i) He kx'k one last kxik ovcr his shouldcr.
j) ✓
Aron Ralston had bccndimbing in a remctc canyon in Arizona w hen disa ster struck. I le was climbing down a partie ula rly narrcxv part w hen a hugc i\xk ficll and trapped his arm. As he had bccn climbing on his cxvn, therc was no one tohdp him. And he knew that ni' one would th ink of looking for him there bcea use IłjIii ii..U . n .-.niił włi.ii.łi.. mann II. ■ li. .1 u i lir mi uli ilii« ■ .11 |4iairwili lim -o li.-asiiUn ic.-JI ni luł|. Ilp-mainl u* li pIi*h> iluy? bm na on cc nm cmi mil um II. ilu> lilii da;. lv lL2lla-l.il tłi .n>um lii - *-i iii lipnh.l.Yd ik.i lii-li.jI nu
rlirir- II-wniMIi-'.-la tiulu .nn
a) I le had bccn climbing in a rem'te canyon.
b) Bccause he hadnt told a nyonc w herc he was going.
c) Bccause he hadn t brought his celi pilone with him.
d) He had waited in the ca nyon for fivc da ys.
c) I le had cut his arm ctff.
f) Hc had bccn walkingoutof the canyon.
a) sclf-conscious
b) sclf-cstccm
c) cnjoyablc
d) doa blc; ac h ieva ble c) unbearable
f) reasonable
g) acccssible
h) sclf-discipline
i) sclf-cmploycd
a) of
b) jammol
c) no
d) out
c) slow
f) load
g) info
h) undo
a) have finished
b) lx* going
c) lx* working
d) ha vc had
c) havcgctten
f) bc going
g) be playing
h) ha vc getten: had
figurę out undid the zipper loadcd the gun in charge of no way
swung intoaction it / the gun pmm-d go ink' slow motion
2 f 3 d 4 i 9 b 10 j
5 c 6 g 7 a
will/'ll bedoing will/'ll havcskirtcd will/'ll havemadc will/'ll havc fal len will/'ll havcgivcn up will/'ll lx* living will/'ll havcchangcd will lx* running
a) up
b) off
cl down
d) Ollt C) off fl after
a) iiiiiian.il l»i li. uI--Ik ci iiii.r.- i
4 dnJ
-i i.minii d»fnvlv t-j |irii-ii.xlv
1.1. - Kr. m‘Arm Tn.Urr._U, .i IA |C1E
a) feel
b) picks
c) givc
d) iit
a) ci 'mi n g d ow n wi th
b) putmeoff
c) shakcitoff
d) takes after him c) letyoudown
f) get ovcr it
g) kxik info it
h) dowithout it
c) Lcx'k
f) kccp
g) corrx*
h) taking
..i a liorrlbL'włi.nili.j liApyvn Im I -.cii Mitu
0 aAil‘vpariv ppi ‘.im tli m 14. im* •li Itl pp han pi! lxnr .ni pi fllllort II PdPiMłi w.ntiPd ir. H
fJer.A rrrver Ir* rirCi-t