upper-inter-wb- |
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^ answerkey.pdf |
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Thesocond and the third ads wil próba blyget the most rcplics.
a) 3 b) 2 c) not needed d) c) 1 f) 4 g) 6
c) A race and a life 2
1 b 2 c 3 a
I fiistdiscovcrcd her musie becausc my mether uscd to like itand lis ten ki it u hen she was ccoking. About ten ycars ago, Mariannę Faithfull was in conccrt henr, and we went together. She was superb. I love the way she sing>, and she has had such a fascinati nglifc. I don t likc evcrything thatshc has donc, butshes always interes ting.
ap pcarod
fascinati ng
fa voritc
interes ting
serious /
ma king Let
to u nderstand talking going to help
f) arrange
g) attempt
h) mind
i) ask
c) spending
f) to leavc
g) know
h) to gi ve
They oou ld n t afłord to bu y lots of new elothes.
They cncouragod me ki goto chureh cvcry w cek.
They never let nv bringfriends home.
They mi de me como home at ten o'clock evcry n ight.
They warncd m_- not ki goto nightclu b> (bcca use they were dangerous).
My father cxpcctod m_- ki work in his factory.
My parents taught nv ki respoct authority.
I was drcading k-ll ing my pa rents that I had a boyfriend.
I managed to run awayfrom hom.-w hen I was 15.
I tricd ki livcon my own, but it was \ er\- hard.
1 at 2 to 3 in 4 at 5 for
6 about 7 ki 8 cf 9 w i tli 10 witli
b) Blocd is thicker tlian water.
c) Home is where the hcart is.
d) Iiirds cf a fcather tbvk together.
e) Twds aimjMny, thrcc's a crowd.
f) One gixxl turn desenes another.
4 1
a) 2 f) 3 c) 4 d) 5 c) 6 b)
a) impressed
b) fed up
c) i rritating
d) terrible
a) terrible
b) allergic
c) amazed
d) impressed
1 take
2 cali
3 ha vc
4 wclciim*
e) optimistic
f) allergic
g) amazed
e) optimistic
f) i rritating
g) lx\t up
5 make
6 show
7 help
8 hdlcr
a) Lidia dccidcd tostudy in the USA.
b) She wanted her parents Ju pa y for hcrstudics.
c) Untbrtunatcly, thcycould not afłord to help her.
d) /
c) /
f) The fa miły friends d idn't ask her tu pay any rent.
g) She loccd going toelasses and she madę lots of friends.
h) She spent her foce tim- ta king care of the friends' children.
a) L\i you find it difficul t ki get u p in the mirning?
b) Is itemlurrassingfor yeti kispeak English?
c) L\i you find it i rritating ki get sp\im cmiii?
d) Is it easy fer you tokecp a sccret?
e) LXi you find it boring ki watch commcrcials on T\‘?
f) LXi you find it a musingto kxik at old family picturcs?
a) gray s>iy chasc, fakc
b) buy, try, flight, wild
c) boy, toy, annoy, join
d) go, kniiw, dcłhcs, host
e) how, n ow, cIow n, gix'u nd
a) lost d) Iow
b) wear c) havc
c) give
Speaker 1: Picturcc Speaker 2: Picturc b Speaker 3: Picture a
4 adulthocd
5 middleagc
6 old age
e) uigod
f) warncd
g) mind
li) cnccurag:
a) d rcad ing
b) aiming
c) avdd
d) manage
a) Charih- lvgins at home.
Speaker | |||
topie |
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2 |
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boyfriend s |
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entertainment |
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fashion |
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ma rr i age |
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rneney |
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musie |
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pyilitics |
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studics |
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work |
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D r HacmlUn KUrJ«v SX. tfcC.V. 2010
American Insi dc Out