
Global Markets

News Release

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Cboe Europę Plans to Launch Eguities Trading in Three New Markets

>    Cboe Europę to expand access to securities listed in Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic

>    Trading for these new markets expected to commenceon 5th November2018

>    Morę than 6,000 securities across 18 markets will be available for trading on Cboe Europę via one platform

LONDON - 20 September 2018 - Cboe Europę, the region’s largest equities exchange operator, today announced it will expand its coverage to 18 markets across Europę with the planned launch of trading in Polish, Hungarian and Czech securities beginning5th November2018, pending regulatory review.

Cboe Europę plans to offer trading in the stocks that comprise the following indices:

•    WIG20 lndex (Poland)

•    BUXIndex (Hungary)

•    PX lndex (Czech Republic)

Trading of these new securities will be available on the following Cboe Europę sernces: Cboe Europę lit order books (BXE and CXE), Periodic Auctions, Cboe LIS, and Exchange Trade Reports (ETR). Cboe Europę will not offer dark order book trading in these securities.


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