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This paper aims at the presentation of the goal of and the profit to be derived from research dealing with what has been termed the philological method. The term philology means the study of literaturę and scholarship or, morę particularly, the science of language and linguistics. This paper deals with the history of this term sensu largo. In the European past Gustave Lanson, Ernst Curtius, Erich Auerbach were the most influential philologis, while Juliusz Kleiner, Julian Krzyżanowski, Stanisław Pigoń, Konrad Górski played the similar role in Poland. Nowadays in France Antoine Compagnon writing on Roland Barthes’ come back to the philological ap-proaches that annoys postmodern theorists. Recently in Poland Joanna Tokarska-Bakir has been considered the fact that modernists’ and postmodemists’ faith in the cult of novelty leads to destruction. The renewal of the traditional philological method still remains to be found. De-spite the excessive generality and imprecision to be found in the observation and research dealing with this topie, this investigation is nevertheless of basie importance for the formulation of a long-range programme of literary criticism and education. In conclusion, the author expresses her hope for a greater interest and further, morę precise research into the new philological method application.