130 Maria Wojas
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Wojas M., Tworzenie rezerw instrumentem aktywnej polityki przedsiębiorstwa, cz. I i II, „Forum Doradców Podatkowych” 1999, nr 3 i 4.
The Recognition and Presenłałion of Provisions and Contingent Liabiliłies in Corporate Financial Reports
In discussing the issue of provisions and contingent liabilities, the author attempts to show that provisions are the effects of past events, while contingent liabilities are a company’s obligalions that may occur if specified events occur in futurę.
Qualifying a potential liability among the provisions shown in the balance sheet or among contingent liabilities shown outside the balance sheet depends on an assessment of the probability that an obligation to make specific payments will occur as well as on the possibility of reliably estimating the amount of the liability that may arise in this regard.
In practice, it may be difficult to determine the moment at which a contingent liability shown outside the balance sheet should be transformed into a provision for liabilities presented in the balance sheet. To solve this problem, the International Accounting Standards and, in particular, IAS 37: “Prorisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” may be helpful.
The Accounting Act obliges companies to disclose provisions in their balance sheet and to disclose both contingent liabilities and contingent assets in the additional information section of their financial report. It should be emphasised, howevcr, that contingent liabilities, whose probability of occurring is very smali, are not disclosed.