

Bulla ng Rełationships through lnnovatrvc £>evclopment Gender Based Vioicnce Awarcncss łn Europę (BRIDGE Projectl

Care Prolesslcrałs Survey - l*Data Collectton - Kcv Flndtafk

Country Malta Aut hor. Dr Lara Beuira October 2019

Data ColIcctJon Kopin Research Tear |Karcr Hartburn and Lara Bez lira)

Thti data collecton took pace withln tne tramcwor* ot tne reglonal pro|oct Bui d S.c- atonsh.ps ■■ r» ■ ■ . I • •    ■:    ń.. .1>    . ^ a •' '    - . .    • W r- :rc

main purposc o4 gathcri-g rromaiTior on tne fowlodge oi carc profcssicrals on gender bas«0 v o erce among cnldrcn and youth on tne move, and tnc main sertrfces awalaWc to su^yors. Data was gatne-ed througn a cjjestlor nairc encodcd in a mobile data colcctioo cool That was awailaole to

b« u>cd boe*i dur *|| foce to ftc* rr*«tir>*i ord ar na.

The BRIDGE project ls supported try Che Eurcpear Unlorfs RlgMi, Eauallt. and CRbertship Programmc 12014 20201 ard ls mpemenited under the cad otTenc des hommes Rcglonal Crtkc to' Europę In Hungary, In partrershlp wlth Defenc* to' CM dren International Bcfelum (DO Bele urn) and FEDASIl (Bclgum), Assocatlon for tne Socia Suppon oł Youth - ARS6 (G-ecce). Kopn |Mata| and Terre des hommes Romania. The a m cA the project ls to stre-tgthen tne resporse to gender based yocnce {GBV| atfect ng cn drcr and youth on the mowa in Europcan Union countdes as we as to empower chlldren and youtn on the movc tobetter protect thcmsehes.

1. General

12 carc pmrfesslonałs trom 4 dlttccnc organisat o-s' compłctcd the care pntfcsslonals survey djrrg tne montns of August and Septcmber 2019, the najodty |8) oT w nom woflt at the Agency for the W o Karę of Asyum Seekers (AWAS|ł, whetner at me open laccommodatlor | centrcs or othenMse. Othcr mspondenits woni wth nor go.crnmcnta ccgansattons |NGOs| woddng wlth mgrants and

1 Wrei fTuticd* raporełarto tram lora ot t*» cri armator. raptaj ta tha ujrwyr. amn ta »«t» ąurnibarn iftłtarad KMttri ta tha troadaifra ad t» raipondart Hanca. *at na pcepoaa et !fa raport tr» mwortiy |ta. nUtpa unłir

itu r r tl\u ?. iłv■" ’■ rr.' ST .*1- L r mir rrr.- j

Thh data Lołaclior wat fwnded by the Eunapean l>*kr'ł R*|htł, Ecu di ty *nd CRiwrnłiip fYcutamie* (2014-WM|


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