Terre des Imrow

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BRIDGE: Building Relationships through lnnovaiive Dewlopment of Gender Based Violenc© Awareness in Europę

Data Cdlection Anałysis Raport (First Ftound)

Key Findings in Romania

I. Contert of the Data CoHection activitie s

Wtnn the regionat pccłed aRiDGE ifiuidoo flejoonsmips ttrooęn lnnovaFve DeveOf)meoS ot G&naar-Base-a Wcfence Awaraness m Eurece'* a senes ot data ooieaton acMttos aa piannea n the mpiemenling ccuntnes iSeiglum, Greeoe. Malta aoa Romania). Data is ooiecaed rrom ootn cnid&r, and youtn on loe mova and cara proresseaaas (proiessiorais workmg In: accorrmodahon centres. putOc InstnuCons prwldlng sercceslor cnildren and youtn on me move, NGOs worwng wrttn rrtgrarts and retuaees. etc ). Ttts researefi endeawotr łles to address Te lack of ayallatłe data relatea to gencter pases vicłeroe |GBV) n me contsrt of migrattcn. ty measuring :ne evel oi knowedge ttiat csre peefesstoras na-e on tne tssue and the e «l of awareness reganJng GBV anonq chnaen anayoutn on tne mo.-e,

in each country, nree dflererc rcoandS* of data ooiecskon arę pamed wltrin :ne pro^ect. TWs oocument presents the lesuits of tne ftrst data coliectton conducied in Romania, in 2019.

Foc Dom cnildren and youtn on tne mowę and care prolessJcoals, the e searen desfgn induded a tace

to raoo oufvoy, oonOjcfcd tfirough a mobile data ooltoctłon (MDCl lod. Ttio uso oi a MDC too was

entreme y usetii lor the survey wltn chi den and youth, snce Tte ełectrortc survey wacs translated to mu tupie lanpuapes, altowing tne responderts to answer the questtons In one ot nelr known languages.

One admnsuatve challenge taoed dtrlng :ne trst data coflecttcn was denttrying responcłents. snce the prcfecł partner Tdh Romania te not ofTenng dlrect servces tor migrant cfilden and youtn, and GBV te ofler -aeen as a senstthre topie, maklng people morę neiusant to partlclpale ln a study on tnis Issaje.

II. Results for childnen and youth on the mo«

2.1. Sociodemographic inłormation

As the chars Delów snowr, ony 7 youtn pautdpaled ln the ftrst data ootlectton {6 małes and 1 tenaie), win ages Detween 18 and 2* years old ~he countrtes of ortgm were: Argnantetan, hdla. Iran, Pawstan and Syna.

Wo roinot 5 ol tho ■ecpocidonte woro ooporatod from temiy morrbers durlrg tne (oumoy, and

that 3 ol the responOents nae no tamy memder in Pomarta Wttle atrrost at tne youth (6 out od 7) mernoned they na-*? mends ot the same ape In me oertre, most of them teel tnat they only hara a tewr mends Infomal dscussion reveatea ma: there Is In generał a iowr nunDer ofyouths ot tnelr ape ln the cercie. and tnat durtnę ne day most of them are worwng orrryingło tmo |oos. At the same tlme.

Ths ćjtj od'«f on »os funduj by rbo- 9iropoan U mors Ągfi ts i-yuaity mtk) Ooreoshp Ptocstytio


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