Education Umt : SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja Subject Engtish
Class Semester : VH / 2
Mam Materiał The act of grvtng and a slang for informatton related to tbe
quałities of animals Time allocation : 2 x 40 minut es
• KII Respecting and appreciating the teachings of the religion he adheres to
• KI 2: Respcctmg and appreciatmg honest bcharior. dtscipline. rcsponsibility. canng (tolerance, mutual cooperation), courtesy, self-confidence, m interactmg effec-tively with the social and natuial emironment wttłun the rangę of relatiomhipi and whercabouts.
• KI 3: Understandmg knowledge (factual, cooceptual, and procedural) baied on tbe
cunosity about science. technok>gv. art. cuhure related to phenomena and events that appeai to the eye.
• KI 4: Trying. Processing, and presentmg m a concrete realm (uting. parsing. arrang-mg. modifymg. and making) and abstracl domami (wntmg. icadmg. countmg. drawmg. and making) tn accordance with w hal ts learned m scbool and other sources same tn percpective theory
3.5 tdenńfying social functions, text structures. and language feature of orał and wntten transactional mteracuon texts that mvolve the act of girrng and asking for miormation related to the qualrties of people, animals. objects tn accordance with
3.5.1 Identlfylng tocial functions. text structures and language feature of actions to give and ask Information reuaidinB the (}uibbes of animals.
3.5.2 Difff rentiatmg the language feature of actions to give and ask
the context of their use (Notę the bnguntic. adjectise) |
Information rcgardmgthc ąualities of ammals |
4.S. Composmg s ery shoit and sunple texts of orał transactional interactions that ins olse the act of gis mg and askmg for Information related to the qualities of people. ammals and objeets. takmg into account tocial functions, text structures and language features that are correct and m context |
4.5.1 Composing very short and simplc texts of the act of givmg and askmg Information related to the qualities of ammals. 4 5.2 Demonstrating the dialogue about the act of git mg and askmg mfoimattori related to the ąualities of ammals |
The putposes of this learamg are student* are expected to be able to:
3.5 1 Idcntifying soci.il functions text structures and language feature of actions to gis e and ask Information rcgardmg the qualrti«of ammals through a graphk organuer correcdy,
3.5.2 Differentiating tbe language feature of actions to givc and ask mformatton regard-rng the ąualities of ammals through a ganićproperiy.
4.5.1 Composing very short and simplc tcxts on the act of givtng and askmg mformation related to the qualities of ammals through a pair nork accuralefy
4.5.2 Demonstrating a dtalogue about tbe act of giving and asking mformation related to the qualities of ammals through presenting in class confidendy
Tcxt of transactional interactiom related to the qualities of people. ammals. and objeets A.Social Functions
• Descnbe, identify. cnticize. give an assessment of people. ammals and objeets tn terms of their qualrties