Diff. Stress

Stronę umplc at peak stress

Pronounted weakenlng y with increasing strain

-* Rp poorly <onnc<tcd

-* Lower proportion of Rp © -♦ Less fntenseły mlxed Rp Coarser grained Rp

Rp strongly connectcd

-► Hlgher proportion of Rp Q -♦ Intcnsely mixed Rp -* Finer grained Rp

Shear Strain

DPC is kinematically dominated by GBS

DPC/GBS are dominant for both asscmblagcs but...

Lower proportion of Rp

0 \ ol ^

The type of DPC Is tending morę towards morę    DPC

V Unloading crack \.


\ Rp poorly connertcd /

llbtrlftrgtj«n ń


Hłgher aspect raiło of RP Less intensely mixed Rp


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