Stronę umplc at peak stress
Pronounted weakenlng y with increasing strain
-* Rp poorly <onnc<tcd
-* Lower proportion of Rp © -♦ Less fntenseły mlxed Rp Coarser grained Rp
Rp strongly connectcd
-► Hlgher proportion of Rp Q -♦ Intcnsely mixed Rp -* Finer grained Rp
DPC is kinematically dominated by GBS
DPC/GBS are dominant for both asscmblagcs but...
Lower proportion of Rp
The type of DPC Is tending morę towards morę DPC
V Unloading crack \. | |
\ \ Rp poorly connertcd / |
llbtrlftrgtj«n ń |
Hłgher aspect raiło of RP Less intensely mixed Rp