14.    Effcct of Co, conccntration on ratę of photosynthesis.

15.    Quantitative cstimation ofclemcnts in plant ash (any two).

16.    łonie cffcct on imbibitions.

17.    Qualitativc test for secondary metabolites (alkaloids. steroids. flovonoids. tannin).

18.    Ashanalysis.

Unit-II/Marks - 15

1.    Practical Record (marks- 5)

2.    Seminar / Dcmonstration of cxpcriment (marks 5)

3.    Viva voce (marks - 5)

Suggested rcadings:

Devi, P. 2000. Principal and Methodsof Plant Molccular Biology, Biochcmistr)' and gcnetics. Agrobios, Jodhpur, India

Cixon. R.A(ed) 1987. Plant celi culturc : A practical Approach IR]. Press. Oxford Glick, B.R and Thomson. J.E 1993 methods in plant molccular biology and biotechnolog). CRC Press, Boxa Raton, Florida

Hall, R.D(ed) 1999. Plant ccii cultural prolocols. Humana Press. lnc. New Jersey, USA Moorc.T.0.1974 research expcricnccs in plant physiology; A Laboratory manuał Springer Verlag. Berlin

Ninja. AJ & Ballou. D.P. 1998 fundamcntal Laboratory approach’s for biochemisiry anc biotechnology, Fitzgcrald Scxicncc Press, inc Maryland. USA

Robcrts. J & Tuckor, GA(eds) 2000 Plant hormonc protocols, Rumana Press. New Jcrse> USA

Scott. R.P. W. 1995 Tcchniqucs and practice of chroniatography. Marcel Decker, inc. New York



Fuli Marks - 35 Pass Marks - 12

Unit - I / Marks - 7

Introduction : Aims and componcnts of systematies, introduction to idcntificatio-nomenelature, phylogeny.

Taxonomic hierarchy : Taxonomic category. ta.\onomic groups.

Unit - II / Marks - 7

Systematies in practice : Importanccof Floras, Monographs, Manuals, Joumals,Abstraci Indices and Dictionarics; Kcys for idcntification of plants - single access and multi acces-Valuc of computers and databases for idcntification.

Unit - III / Marks - 7

Botanical nomenelature: Principlc and rules, ranks and names, typc concept, type methet


TOC Syllabus (Science) || Assom Univers*i


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