lim infrrli- mi iraiwr jwrraun /t-MimiM.
itłljjrirJ hm n dołaptiM* arum (/tło Mm Im#*»'kJuptas liHifiM
nrn mirr Ir mi nolon' pnrrmn rr u Arnu.
hm m
lAifapfirłur »iwi/j»i«»fr
rolifunnwijim iłnliamt Inltbu* tht/uplm intifmi
Officia volorendenis ium liatcmp orcrnam /j|
nihil ic&tfB iliatios a volupjplTT^ dolorJfenfcfrn
Westerplatte Defenders Repulse Attacks From Sea, Air and Land
70 to 200 Polish *.Suicide 7roops’ Shatter Two German Attempts to Storm Fortress After Plan* and Ship Bombardments
A smali force of Polish soldiers -betwcen 70 and 200 ofthem - still resistedvaliantly in Westerplatte fortress after four days of a herce siege. ^
*IOA. LalrU. Sopt. I —Wh*n thU wrlter taft tho Natl-hold etly of Dantlg yoaZorday mornlng a smali for<* of PolUh oołdlora- b*lwo*n TO •nO 200 of t hem—ot III rooltłod v«t-■antly In WmtoraUtt* fortr.a. afUr Iow day* of * Korea (loco Machtne-gun flro from the Pollah triten ohtttered eoaoptototy Im rmon tlforto to otorm t ho ot>ong-hold.
Unofflelaltr lt w*o oo!d that tha barrteaded Polfa ha*e wfflcUnt oupplloo of ammunltloo. food and wator to onabl* thoen to hołd otl tor werk*. il thor ran withotand heaoy bambordmont by land, aoa and air.
The btggest Sano of Uio Hormon nm\»l trolnlng ohlp Sthleowolg-Kalotom, m Dnnotg harbor, blaoted away at Wostorpiatto aU through rrłday. _ __
Scptrmlirr 7. Wfi
■ Bravc reaiatance of umaił PolUh forccł
• Fierceslegeof Westerplatte fortreaa by German*
• “Suicide defcndcr»“
• The Danzlngcr* not happy after ioinlngtlic Reich.
The blggeot gnno of tho Herman naval tratnlr.g ohlp •ohloowoig-Hołotoln, In Damlg harbor. blaotod away at WaotorplaMa aU through
On Satutday twonty twe Oorman bombora drapped at taat lifty bombo oa tho fortra** Th* bom bard mant deotroyod a fow ourfaco otoro* of aromunltlon
Bat oacb limo tho Oortnin Infon-try attomptod to follow uy tho bom-bardmont and otorm the plac*, thoy wora rapnlood by Polish machino-gon ftr* that oeomod to como from many poonts of tbe smali penlnmla on which Weotorplatt* foetrao* I* oltuatod.
Caugbt In Cr*** Flro
Th* Oarmana noror know «xactly w hor* tho Pok* wrra hłdlng. aith tbe roralt that tho N**U wor* caught In PolUh tron flro **v*ral
IWU» A**W. Imo<a%bi laimii.tabrl. I*łf “*»»«#• ® »' AD «**• RnawU
Danzig Obsen/er Tells War’s Start
25tŁ' <£ł)irago flailo iJnlnme flliu
C CopyiłgM Fundacja im Alakiandra 8Aauak* Spt*wkxJKv»>®o WtrOd Narodów Świata
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bbSoluęntot quc nem
Adu solocc. uu Re dum comenie >crum cocemi cooes quo modipm aui pnus. ulliae dus
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