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The papers in this volume are a must-read for anyone who is or wants to be a researcher or lecturer in political science.They are a great source of information on the current State of European political science as an academic discipline with its long history, but nevertheless constantly seeking to modernize itself in order to keep up with the developments in politics and modern societies. (...) The^ eader is presented with thorough descriptions of the current State of political cience in most European countries. Data on the number of political scienc university programmes and thestudents'preferences in terms of specialization is well-documented and presented in the form of tables and graphs.The book provides the reader with knowledge of the rangę of programmes and course offered by universities and the scope of research projects conducted in varic us European academic centres. Ali of the papers contain thoroughly preparei nd clearly presented information on the past and present of political scien e in particular countries as well as valuable reflections about the futurę an uggestions of changes, which should help take our discipline through these ifficult times which social Sciences are already facing in a number of countries and which mayyet have to be faced in others. (...) The book will most certainl e an interesting read to European political scientists.
From the review by Professor Andrzej W. Jabłoński, University of Wrocław
le practical aspect of political science is embodied in the ability to provide ■integrated systematic political expertise, the ability to pose generał questions bout the naturę of politics and the political and the ability to assess the utilised: aradigms and theories already at the level of description of political processesi nd phenomena.This practical character can make political science a platform or collaborative, interdisciplinary debate about the political dimension of hu-an existence.
mportantly, political science is not a scientific discipline which can be explored it university, and later forgotten. It is a science directly related to questions impacting the quality of our life. Understanding political science renders ou articipation in public life morę effective; it allows a better understanding o he paradoxical relationship between the personal and the social.
ISBN 978-83-233-3938-0
3 788323 339380
Barbara Krauz-Mozer Małgorzata Kułakowska
Piotr Borowiec Paweł Ścigaj
in Europ^ I
■at the
beginning of the 21th centuny