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The papers. in order of presentation, are:



L.H. Larsson, Editor

Applied Science Publishers, Ltd., London 1980,428 pages

The book contains 17 papers that were presented at a seminar held at the Joint Research Centre of the Commission of the European Communities in Ispra (Varese) Italy in April, 1979. The papers form a framework for an advanced course in fracture me-chanics.

1.    "Macroscopic Aspects of Crack Extension," J.F. Knott (16 references)

2.    "Microscopic Aspects of Crack Extension." J.F. KNott (23 references)

3.    "The One-parameter Characterization Viewpoint in Fracture Mechanics." J. Carlsson (20 references)

"Experimental Technique$ for the Determination of the Initiation of Failure," J.G. Blauel (5 references)

5. "Slow Stable Crack Growth and Unstable Fracture in the LEFM Regime," C.E. Turner (17 references)

Determination of Fracture Toughness under Piane Stress Conditions by the R-Curve Meth-od," B. Marandet et al (24 references)

Application of J-R Curves to Slow Stable Crack Growth and Unstable Tearing in the Plastic Regime." C.E. Turner (30 references)

8.    "Numerical Treatment of Crack Growth Prob-lems," G. Rousselier (23 references)

9.    "The EPRI Ductlle Fracture Research Program," T.U. Marston (21 references)

10.    "Micromechanisms of Slow Stable Crack Growth," D. Francois (44 references)

11.    "Use of EPFM in Design." L.H. Larsson (39 references)

12. "The COD Design Curve." M.G. Dawes (38 references)

13. "A J-Based Design Curve," C.E. Turner (22 references)

14.    "The Development and Application of the CEGB Two Criteria Approach for the Assess-ment of Defects in Structures." B.J.L. Darlaston (26 references)

15.    "Incorporation of Residual and Therma) Stresses in Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Design." G.G. Chell (23 references)

16.    "Numerical Aspects of Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Including 3-D-Applications." Y.W. Schmitt (18 references)

17.    "Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics." J. Carlsson (22 references)

The first Knott paper sets forth various mechanical models for plastic flow crack propagation and an interpretation of some of these models. In the second paper Knott looks at the initial stages of plastic crack formation and propagation from a dislocation point of view. He deseribes some limitation on macroscopic analyses. The Carlsson paper examines the basis of elastic plastic fracture mechanics, including submicroscopic yielding behavior. and characterizes various crack tip field Solutions by means of the J-integral. Blauel'$ paper contains a brief review of the morę popular methods for determining the onset of crack propagation without a critical review of these methods. The review is reasonably up to d8te.

The second group of papers includes Turner's ac-count of slow-stable crack growth in the lineer elastic regime and the criterian (dK/da > dR/da) for the onset of unstable fracture. Turner's article contains an excellent critique of R-curve slope analysis problems. which are still unresolved. Maran-det's paper describes various means for determination of R-curves. includes critiques of these methods. and recommends methods that should be em-płoyed. R-curve determinations are discussed in terms of their independence of certain test param-eters. Marandet concludes that R-curve determinations are independent of specimen type, initial crack







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