4 Correct the mistake in each of these sentences.
Ignore the italłcs.
a) If ij&m the president of my country, Fd spend morę money on the erwironment.
b) If I did ever had the chance, I'd take a year ojfand go traoelling.
c) If I could live anywhere in the world, Fd probably bought a beach villa in Tahiti.
d) If I didn't need to learn English, I would stop a long time ago.
e) If I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I would have stayed at home.
f) If I had been good at Maths, I would have Siudy it at university.
g) If I was doing morę exercise when I was younger, I would be a lot fitter now.
h) If I'd been bom with very rich parents, I wouldn't doing this jób.
Make one conditional sentence with if by joining the pairs of sentences.
a) I didn't study hard enough at school. I haven't got a good job.
If I'd studied haeder at school, Fd hat/e a_
beUer job._
b) It's not madę of real gold. It's not worth a lot.
c) They comered the market. So they put up the price.
d) He has a talent for seeing a gap in the market. He has madę millions.
e) She didn't realise it was valuable. She gave it away.
f) My time is so precious. That's why I didn't speak to them.
Change the words in italics to make the sentences true for you.
5 i Match the if clauses (a-h) with the correct main ^ clauses (1-8).
a) If I wasn't working tomorrow,
b) If I hadn't been so intent on getting rich,
c) If you had saved up like me,
d) If you'd studied a bit morę,
e) If you'd been listening morę carefully,
f) If you just had a go at it,
g) If Fd taken a bit morę care,
h) If you hadn't taken a few risks,
1 you wouldn't have madę your fortunę.
2 I would have found a lot morę happiness.
3 you wouldm't be worrying about the exams.
4 I wouldrFt have lost it.
5 Fm surę you'd love it.
6 you wouldn't have wasted your time answering the wrong question.
7 youM be able to afford it.
8 Fd love to come out, but I need an early night.
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
h j |
8 |
g) I was working late. I missed the film.
h) I didn't know you were coming. ThaFs why I didn't come to meet you.