Tur nęci upside down irom all the new styles this lali are Amy Wagner. Mau roen MoMahon and Manetta Su!livan
Senior Kris Weretler shows olł her ta vonte college sweatshirt and her white shorls in Ihe courtyard
Troy Parrnh rellects his conviction on "cool by ehminaling socks Irom his ensemble
Grny and white cardigana over a plam tee matchea John Newtona Bugle Boy |eans and brown boat shoes
Wild print car wasshpona make sen tor Connie Michlariaa nght In the stop oł faahion lor sumrner going into tali.
The lashion tor the 80's brought halr lines. rnousse and rnultiple ear pierc mg as shown by Beth Richmond
Słone washed leana make the court yard cool lor laneen Piwowarski
Long sliorta were a must lor Shantn Cox and Trtcia Guzinski w hen the rule < hangę allowed walkinglength attire
I urnor Tina Greer» uhowt. us her lalest J lashion tn her paialey vest and her shorl s)eeve tee with her Guess |eans
Neutral colom olłset George Demos* debonau appearance whicłi de-• lared i oni and • asuał