' Days and Dates Hursday, April 23, 2015

thursday, April 23, 2015 Hursday, April 23, 2015

iTHufsday, April 23, 2015 Thursday, April 23, 2015 THursday, April 23, 2015 jTirfijTsday, April 23, 2015

iursday, April 23, 2015 ftirsday, April 23, 2015

irsday, April 23, 2015

[Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

j riday. April 24, 2015 Friday, April 24, 2015 onday, April 27, 2015

f Monday, April 27, 2015

Ti|iesday, April 28, 2015

|TiSesday. April 28, 2015 |TUesday, April 28, 2015 Welnesday, April 29, 2015

Inesday, April 29, 2015 ||Vednesday, April 29, 2015 Tuesday, May 05, 2015

tTuesday, May 05, 2015 THesday, May 05, 2015 Tuesday, May 05, 2015 f Tuesday, May 05, 2015

łTuesday, May 05, 2015 Tpesday, May 05, 2015 Inesday, May 06, 2015


m.to 01.00 p.rr

m. to 01.00 p.rr i.lo 01.00 p.rr

i.to 01.00 p.rr

r.to 01.00 p.rr

n. to 01.00 p.n n.to 02.00 p.rr

n.to 02.00 p.n

11.00    a.m.to 02.00 p.n

11.00    a.m.to 02.00 p.n

11.00    a.n

11.00    a.n

11.00    a.n

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11.00    a.i

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11.00    a.

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10.00    a.n

10.00    a.n

10.00    a.n

r.to 02.00 p.r r.to 02.00 p.r m.to 01.00 p.m.

m.to 02.00 p.m. m.to 01.00 p.m.

.to 02.00 p.m.

m.to 01.00 p.m.

r.to 01.30 p.m. r.to 02.00 p.m. m.to 01.00 p.m.

r.to 01.30 p.m. i.to 02.00 p.m. i.to 12.00 noon

I.to 12.00 noon r.to 12.00 noon i.to 12.30 p.m. r.to 12.30 p.m. r.to 01.00 p.m. r.to 01.00 p.m. r.to 12.00 noon

Finaneial Aecounting & Auditing : Pa Management Aecounting.

F.ronomics Paper V.

Business Management: Paper V-Mnrk

■: Paper V-Comin

Ouantitatiee Techniqucs: Paper V- Operations Research, Ouality Cpntrol & Rclinhilily.

Banking & Financc: Paper V- Finance of Foreign Tratlc and Foreign Exchange.

Finanrinl Aceminting & Auditing : Paper V-Managcnicnl Aecounting.

Economics Paper V.

Business Management: Paper V-Marketing Management.

Commcrcc: Paper V-Cnmmcrcial Adminislration.

Quanlitativc Tecliniques: Paper V- Operations Research, (Jtialily Control & Rcliability.

Banking & Finance: Paper V- Finance ot Foreign Tratlc and Foreign FCschangc Business F.conomics.: Paper III.

Business Economics.: Paper III.

( nmmeree : Paper III -Marketing and Humań Rcsoiircc Management.

Commeree : Paper III Marketing and Humań Rcsourcc Management .

Applied Component Gro and Imlirert Tascs.

Direct and Indirecl Taxes. Dirccl and Imlirert Taxcs. Applied Component Group : F.xport Marketing.

Fxporl Marketing.

Esport Marketing.

VI/VH Direcl


.1 Gr

Business Insurance.

Cnmpuler Systems and Applir: iternture in English .

\pplicd Component Group : Paper Welfarc & Practic


dnesday, May 06, 2015

10.00 a.n

i.to 12.00 noon

Psychology of Humań Behavioural work.

ęlnesday, May 06, 2015

10.00 a.n

i.lo 12.30 p.m.

I.ahnur Wclfnre & Prnctice.

gnesday, May 06, 2015

10.00 a.n

i.to 01.00 p.m.

Labour Welfarc & Praclicc .

dnesday, May 06, 2015

10.00 a.n

i.to 01.00 p.m.

Psyrholbgy of Humań Behaviour at work.


forsday, May 07, 2015

10.00 a.i

m.to 12.00 noon

AppliediCompouenl Group : Paper VI/VII. Marketing Research.

tursday, May 07, 2015 j

10.00 a.n

i.to 12.30 p.m.

Markcliug Research.


lursday, May 07. 2015

10.00 a.n

i.to 01.00 p.m.

Marketing Research.

rriday, May 08, 2015

10.00 a.i

m.to 12.00 noon

Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII-lnvcntory Management and Cosi Rcduction rcchniqucs.


riday, May 08, 2015

10.00 a.i

m.to 12.00 noon

I rade llnionism and Industrial Rclalions

riday, May 08, 2015

10.00 a.i

m.to 12.00 noon

lncestmenl Analysis Porlfolio Management.

riday, May 08, 2015

10.00 a.i

m.to 12.00 noon

International Marketing.



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