Guaraniclla gen. n.

Diagnosis : Eight clearly discernible eyes arranged in two rows, A-row rccurvcd, P-row straight, PM-eyes normal in shape; palpus with well developed cuplike cymbium in which thc bulbus rcsts. cymbium with dcep apical notch, short hookcd cmbolus; abdomcn in males with dorsal scutum, in females covered with numerous smali oval scleritcs, venter with epigastric scutum and postepigastric sclerites, sides foldcd; vulva with two big sphcrical rcccptaculi lying close togethcr, a sccond much smallcr pair is yisiblc between them; smali colulus prescnt. Type spccies: Guaraniella mahnerti sp. n.

Guaranie!la mahnerti g. n., sp. n.

Fig. 17: o, generał latcral vicw; Fig. 18: $ Carapace;

Fig. 18: frontal vicw of Carapace; Fig. 19: generał dorsal view; Fig. 20: generał vcntral view; Figg. 21-23: o palpus, apical, latcral and ycntral view. Scalę lines = 0.1 mm.

Dcrivatio nominis: Namcd after thc Zoogcographical Province in which they

wcrc capturcd.

Diffcrcntial diagnosis: This genus is casily distinguisablc from Hadrotarsus and Gmogala by the presence of normal shaped PM-eyes and by thc generał cymbiał structurc with short cmbolus.

Guaraniclla mahnerti sp. n.

Materiał cxamincd Brasu.

Santa Catarina. Nova Teutonia (27° 11 S, 52° 23 W), leg. F. Plaumann (IG 21414) VII/1955: <$ Holotype, 6 0* Paratypcs, 14 99 Paratypes; V/1957: <3 Paratypc, o imm.; V1II/1957: 3 o o Paratypcs, 4 99 Paratypes; holotype in Koninklijk Bclgisch Instituut voor Natuurwctcnschapcn.


Amambay Province, ca 10 km south of Bella Vista, 1I.X.1979, 9 Paratype; Provincc of Conccpcion, Colonia Sgto Josć E. Lopez, 13.X.1979, o Paratypc; Estancia Viancho Postillon, ca 5 km east of Puerto Max, 19.X.1979, o Paratype; Province of Alto Parana, ca Puerto Sta Teresa, 3.XI. 1979, Paratypc; Puerto Bcrtoni, forests of Rio Alto Parana, 11.XI. 1979,2 ęJ<J/4 99 Paratypes; Pto Stroessner, 15.11.1983; 6(2 99 Paratypcs. 29.11.1983; 9 Paratypc, 3.VII.1983: 9 Paratypc; Province of Nccmbucu, 5 km north-cast of Pilar, 18.X.1982, 2 o<J/9 Paratypes; Province of Itapua, 10 km south of Santa Maria, 25.X.1982, 9 Paratypc; San Benito (Pastorco), 29.X.1982, 4 oo/2 99 Paratypcs.


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