In the Cyberpunk futurą style is everything, What you wear can determine everything about you, Not everyone can afford the best styles, nor can anyone throw on an outfit and look good in it. Style in Cyberpunk is as much a skill as it is an art. In some cases, certain people can never pull-off certain styles — a smelly, unkempt gutter-rat would never look Professional in Businesswear, while a high-level Corporate person would look out of place in Generic, and only the hard-edge can carry the Edgerunner look.
It's hip and aware to have high tech grafted onto your body somewhere, If you can afford it, you proba-bly have at least a couple of 'enhancements'; a few software chips installed in your nervous system to interface with your Computer, remember your ap-pointments (the ever popular Daytimer™ chip for ex-ample), and improveyourraquetball reflexes, lfyou're cybered up you probably have interface plugs to op-erate computers and vehicles mentally. Maybe your eyes are cyberoptics with a recording function and the latest iris tint (polychrome is in this year), or your hearing is boosted to better hearthe gossip in the Ex-ecutive Lounge.
Years of sexual exploitation in mass-media had de-sensitized people to nudity. In this enwonment, people can strut around in the nudę without anyone bat-ting an eye,
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