For students. each week has 40 working hours spread over 5/6 days a week consisting of lectures tutorials, assignments, class participation, library work, special counseling, Sports. project work, field visit, youth welfare and social activities
3.3 Course: A “Course" is a component of programme. i.e in the new system papers will be referred to as courses. Each course is identified by a unique course codę While designing curriculum, course can have defined weightage These weightages are called credits
Each course, in addition to having a syllabus. has learnmg objectives and learnmg outcomes A course may be designed to comprise lectures/ tutorials/ laboratory work/ field work/ project work/Vocational traming Mva voce etc or a combination of some of these.
3.3.1 Core Courses: The Curriculum comprises of Core Courses and Elective Courses
Core courses are the foundation courses of management education They are compulsory for all the students. Core courses are of two types: Generic Core & Subject Core
Generic Core: This is the course which should compulsority be studied by a candidate as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a degree in a said disapline of study Therefore, Generic Core courses are mandatory and fundamental in naturę These courses cannot be substituted by any other courses. Such courses are also known as Hard Core Courses.
A Hard core course may be a Theory, Practical, Field based or Project Work based subject which is a compulsory component in the Programme Structure.
Subject Core: A Core course may be a Subject Core if there is a choice or an option for the candidate to choose from a broad category (grouping) of subjects (specializations). These are also known as Soft Core Courses.
Following Specializations shall be offered:
1 Marketing Management (MKT)
2 Financial Management (FIN)
3 Information Technology Management (IT)
4 Operations Management (OPE)
5 Humań Resources Management (HR)
6 International Business Management (IB)
7 Supply Chain Management (SCM)
8 Rural &Agribusiness Management (RABM)
9 Family Business Management (FBM)
10 Technology Management (TM)
11 Banking and Insurance Management (BIM)
12 Healthcare Management (HM)
13 Entrepreneurship Development (ED)
14 Services Management (SM)
15. Retail Management (RM)
16 Digital Media & Commumcation Marketing(MC)
17 Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM)
18 Defence Management (DM)
Students shall study 2 Fuli Credit Courses & 4 Half Credit Courses in Semester III and IV each for specialization courses i e. a total of 16 specialization courses of which 4 are fuli credits and 8 are half credits
• Genenc Core courses in Semester I provide foundations of management
• Genenc Core courses in Semester II focus on functional areas
Savitribai Phulc Punc Univcrsity - MBA Rcvised Syllabus 2016-17 Page 5