Person A

15977- 16569 1-600

Person 8

15977 -16569 1-600

Stain Commission

Joint Commission of Institutos for Foronsic Science and Legał Medicino


BioTe21 Adam Master Laboratory of Genetics Cracow

partkapatod m the GEDNAP 36 Profidency Test for mtDNA by analyzmg threo reforonco sampłos

The fotlowiog regions wero successfully anaiyzed

Person C

15977 -16569 1-600

Prof. Or. med. B. Bnnkmann (Chapman of the Stan Comnsssłon)

Stain Commission

Murator. 06 04 2009

Joint Commłłiłon ot Instytutom for Foromie Soonco and Logal Uodic.no


BioTe21 Adam Master Laboratory of Genetic Identification Kraków participatod m tho GEONAP 37 Protictoocy Tost fot mtDNA by analyzmg throo reforonco samptos

Tho foliowi ng rogions woro successfuliy anałyzod:

Person A

15977 -15560 1-600

Person C



Person B



Prot Dr. med B. Bnnkmann (Charman ot the Stan Conwrasston)


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