Area Sales Manager Poland

Area Sales Manager - North Poland - bedding materiał - Animal husbandry Spanvall continucs its successful growth stratcgy and is now strengthening the focus on the markets in North Poland. As part of this dcvclopment we arc looking for an ambitious, proactivc and results-oriented Area Sales Manager/Veterinarian, who is capable of profiling as well as handling Spanvall's intcrcsts in Poland and togethcr with the rcst of the organization in Spanvall. Dcnmark, you shall implement and cxecute Spanvall's overall strategies for the Polish market.

We expcct that you live in North Poland and work from your home office as basc. In collaboration with the country' manager you will handle sales to the largest poultry produccrs. You should also develop the market and fmd potential customers. Travel activities connected to customers in Poland will amount to approx. 80% of your time.

The primary job functions are:

•    Technical advice, sales and logistic.

•    To extend and strengthcn rclationships to our currcnt customers as well as to potential futurę customers.

•    Developing custom-tailored Solutions that are in linę with market requirements and customcr cxpcctations.

•    Taking part in mcctings and negotiations with decision-makers at potential customers.

•    Keeping up to datę with market developments, focusing on identifying new market possibilitics, including participation at exhibitions and seminars, as well as hclping with creating pertinent marketing matcrials.

Your profile:

•    You havc a vcterinarian degrcc or other rclcvant education and, preferably expcrience from an equivalent job in the poultry area as a seller in Poland and/or international sales, where you havc established provcn sales rcsults.

•    You most likely have a background from the poultry industry and you will be able to present Spanvall as a professional and reliable supplier.

•    You have an insight in market stratcgy as well as cxperiencc with creating, devcloping and managing market build up.

•    You are business-oriented and highly competent in negotiating contracts.

•    You are dynamie and outgoing, and ablc to sec potential that can be transformed into proposed Solutions for the customcr.

•    You take the structured approach and handle complex situations with out losing focus or the generał picturc.

•    You are able to work independently, havc a great work capacity and are good at creating contacts and long-lasting rclationships across organizations and cultures.

•    You are a proficient communicator and can speak and write Polish flucntly. In addition, you speak English at a high level.

•    You are a competent PC user who is ablc to usc various IT tools.


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