Gkeat Basin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

Forest Entomology and Pathology Division, Bi-nionthly Progress Report I2(?):3—4 .(hb).

Kinghorn.J M .and John Arthur Chapman 1951. Ob-servations on the fliglit of Tnjpodendron sp. Canada Department of Agriculture, Science Ser-vice, Forest Biology Division, Bi-monthly Progress Report 10(3):3. (bv).

__ 1957. The effect of Douglas-fir log age on attack by

the ambrosia beetle, Tnjpodendron lineatum (01iv.). Entomological Society of Britisli Columbia, Proceedings 54:46-49. (bv).

__ 1959. The overwintering of the ambrosia beetle

Tnjpodendron lineatum (01iv.). Forest Science 5(l):81-92. (bv łib).

Kinghorn.J M . andE. D A. Dyer 1960. Overwintering of ambrosia beetles. Canada Department of Agri-culture, Research Branch, Forest Biology Divi-sion, Bi-monthly Progress Report 16(1): I. (bvhb).

Kinghorn.J M., and W Webh 1950. Chemical contro! of ambrosia beetles. Canada Department of Agri-culture, Science Service, Forest Biology Division, Bi-monthly Progress Report 6(6):3-4. (cn).

*__ 1952. Chemical contro) of ambrosia beetles in

Britisli Columbia. Woodland Revue 1952:22. ().

Kingsolyer. Joel C . and Dale Melyin Norris. Jr. 1977a. E.\ternal morphology of Kyleborus fer-rugineusfFabr.) (Co)eoptera: Scolytidae), l. llead and prothorax ofadult males and females. Journal of Morphology 15*1(1): 147-156. (ay).

__ 1977b. Morphology and development rates of

males and females of Kyleborus ferrugineus (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) during metamor-pliosis. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 6(1):31—39. (ay hb).

-- 1977c. The interaction of the female ambrosia

beetle, Kyleborus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), with ber eggs in relation to the mor-phology of the gallcry system. Entomologia Ex-perimentalis et Applicata 2l(l):9-13. (bv ec).

-- 1977d. The interaction of Kyleborus ferrugincus

(Coleoptera: Scolytidae) behavior and initial re-production in relation to its symbiotic fnngi. Entomological Society of America, Annals 70(1): 1-4. (ec).

Kinn. Donald N 1966. A new genus and species of Schizogyniidae (Acarina: Mcsostiginata) from North America with a key to the genera. Acarolo-gia S:576-5S6. (cc).

-- 1967a. A new species of Ccrcomegistus (Acari:

Mesostigmata) from California. Acarologia 9.-4S8-496. (ec).

-- 1967b. Notes on the life cycle and habits of Diga-

mascllus <piadrisctus (Mesostigmata: Digamasclli-dae). Entomological Society of America, Annals 60(4):S62-S65. (ec).

-- 1968. A new species of Pleuronectocelaeno

(Acarina: Celaenopsidae) associated with bark beetles in North and Central America. Acarologia 10(2): 191-205. (ec).

--1970a. Acarine parasites and predators ol the western pine beetle. Pages 128-131 in R. W. Starkand D. L. Dahlsten (eds.), Studies on the population dynamies of the western pine beetle (Dendroc-tonus breoicomis LeConte (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). University of California, Division ofAgricul-tural Sciences, Berkeley. 174 p. (ec).

-- 1970b. A new genus and species of Ccrcomegisti-

dac (Acarina: Mesostigmata) from North America. Acarologia 12:244-252. (ec).

--1970c. A new genus of Celaenopsidae from California with a key to the genera. Pan-Pacific Ento-mologist 46:91-95. (ec).

__1971. The life cycle and behavior of Cercoleipus

coelonotus (Acarina: Mesostigmata), including a survey of phoretic mite associates of California Scolytidae. Universitv of California Publications in Entomology 65. 66 p. (ec).

--1976. Key to mites commonly associated with the

Southern pine beetle. United States Department of Agricnlture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Research Notę SO-214. 11 p. (cc).

-- 1978. Diel emergence patterns of the Southern

pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm.). Georgia Entomological Society. Journal I3(l):80-85. (bv hb).

__1979. Three methods ofsampling mites phoretic

on bark beetles: a comparison. Canadian Entomol-ogist 111(4):491-494. (ec).

--19S0. Mutualism between Dendrolaelaps neodise-

tus and Dendroctonus frontalis. Environmental Entomology 9(6):756-75S. (ec).

__19S2. Scasonal distribution of three common mite

associates ofthe Southern pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in central Louisiana. Florida Entomol-ogist 65(1): 1S5— 1S7. (ec).

__ 1983a. Mites as biolngica! control agents of bark

and sawyer beetles. Pages 67-73 in M. A. Hoy, G.

L. Cunningham, and L. Knutson (eds.), Biological control of pests by mites. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Experiment Station, Special Publica-tion 3304. IS5 p. (ec).

--19S3b. The life cycle of Protolaelaps dendroctoni

Lindcjuist and Hunter (Acari: Ascidae): a mite associated with pine bark beetles. International Journal of Acarology 9(4):205-210. (ec).

__19S4a. Incidence of endoparasitic nematodes in

7pscngraver beetles in central Louisiana. Georgia Entomological Society, Journal 19:322-326. (cc).

__19S4b. Life cycle of Dendrolaelaps neodisetus

(Mesostigmata:    Digamasellidae), a nema-

tophagous mite associated with pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Environmental Entomology 13(4): 1141-1144. (ec).

__19S4c. Protocylindrocorpus dcndrophilus n. sp.

(Nematoda: Cylindroeorpidae) associated with . pine wood borings. Journal of Ncmatology 16(2): 131-134. (ec).

Kinn, Donald N. and Mitchel C. Miller 1981. A phloein sandwich unit for observing bark beetles, associated predators, and parasites. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Research Notę SO-269. 3 p. (hb ms).

Kinn. Donald N. and F M Stephen 1981. The incidence of endoparasitism of Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) by Coti-tortylenchus brccicomi (Massey) Ruhm (Ncmatode: Sphaerulariidae). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 9l(5):452-458. (ec).


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