(Ulinton (County News

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Thursday, June 28, 2012 One Section • 14 pages Volume 62 • Number 37

Fireworks show set for Tuesday, July 3

The Sixth Annual Fireworks Cclcbration. held by the Alhany Clinton County Chambcr of Commcrce is sel this ycar for Tuesday. July 3.2012 at the Fairgrounds around 9 p.m.

Unlikc olher ycars in the past. this ycar will bc held the day before Indcpendcncc Day, due to the holiday lal ling in the middle of the work week. which this ycar is on Wcdnesday.

Newly clected Chambcr Presidcnt. J.W. Collins, said he cxpccts a large crowd again this ycar.

"We are going to havc musie front six umil nine p.m.." Collins said. "The goal is to providc a good atmosphere, and a good, safe place for the community to eomc to view fireworks.*'

As in the past. pcoplc frorn all arotutd comc into Albatty on the Fourth of July to view lite fireworks show. The show can bc visiblc from many arcas. but it is rccommcnded to eonte to the fairgrounds to get the best vicw available.

"The purposc of the fireworks is two-fold. One. to givc vaeationcis who are on the lakę in our area a piacc to go view fireworks during the holiday season and that drives tourism." Collins said. Two, tltc fireworks are sponsored by a lot of the loeal businesses who feel like givittg back to the locai patrons and to the community for doing business at their locations.”

Not only docs the chambcr want to impress the local community. it also wants tourists visiting lite area to have a good limę and celebrate Indcpcndcnce Day together with the local crowd.

"Wito goes to the lakę and doesn’t want to go on l-ourth of July weekend ... no one hardly." Collins said. “This is a good opportunity for us to have a fireworks show and get those folks to eonie olTthe lakcs and into our town and vicw the fireworks and shop. get gas. and they may (ind out lliey like Clinton County and Albany."

The Chamber of Commcrce is dedicated to the dcvc]opmcnt of business in the community and is also responsible for promoting Clinton County to attracl tourists and potcntial employers in order to

boost the cconomy.

“It’s going to he eomparable to what we‘ve donc before." Collins said. "The main rcason wc are doing it on the third is bccausc Wcdnesday is a ehurch night. The singers who will bc at the fairgrounds before the fireworks show arc mainly gospel singers so. many of those people will go to chureh on Wcdnesday night.”

Performing Tuesday night will be "Joyful Hcarts” and the ”Vancc Brown Family.”

“Those ate two loeal groups, so lltey should pul on a good musical sclection for the crowd,” hc said.

See BANG. page 8

See TROXEL, page 10

See WRECK. page 10

A Tali* amount of hu...

Yet another Clinton County Fair bas comc and gonc. and with it, a weck-long Schedule of fun. compctition and thrills.

Always the best attended night of the fair, the Dcmolition Derby night again saw a packed grandslands, as shown in the photo above. with the midway set in the background. Above right. one young compelitor in the Family Night shoe in the hayslaek eompetition rccognizcd a shoe as belonging to a friend. and offered it up before reluming to the Ininl for hisown, while below right. bringing water into the mix always incrcascs the fun lcvcl. as was the casc dunng Ihe water-relay race Tuesday night. In the photo below. these two girls on a carnival ridc appeur to havc perhaps taken on morę than they wcrc expecting as far as the thrill lcvcl goes.

T his wcck*s Clinton County Ncwscontains a hosł of photographs from the siatę of actie ities, along with somc of the winners from the week. Additional winner lists will be published in next weeks Clinton County News.

Troxel pleads to reduced charge, Dyer seeks change of venue

A Clinton County man who was originally charged with murder face* I fi ycars in jail on two charge*, follow ing a pica of guilty to a lesser charge lust Monday. Junc 18 in Clinton Circuit Court.

Anthony D. Troxcl. at a prctrial confcrcnce last w eek. entered a pica of guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughler-2nd degrcc in con-ncction with the shooting dcath of James Thomas Dyer. II. 31. of Albany. in an incident lluit occurred on the night of July 30. 2011 in the Scvcnty Six Community of Clinton County.

Dyer died as the result of injuries suslained from a single shot wound from a .20 gauge sholgun in an incident that occurred around 10:30 p.m. July 30 of lust ycar. According to authorities, the victim and Troxel. then age 35. had bcen involvcd in an altcrcation prior lo the shooting.

A Clinton County Grand Jury indicted Troxcl on a charge of mur-

Clinton man dies in Pickett wreck

A Clinton County man was killed and Iwo other Albany rcsidents injurcd in a one-vehicle fatalily erash that occurred in neighbnring Pickett County. Tennessee near Byrdstown earlv Sunday mglit. June 24.

According to a press release faun Public Information Oflicer Dayla J. Qualls with the Tennessee Department of Safcty and Hornc-land Security. Robert "Dale" Rains, age 52, of Albany. died from injuries suffered as a result of the wreek that occuired at approximately 8 p.m. Sunday night on l.ick Creek Road in Pickett County.

According to the report. Rains was the driverof a 1996 Plymouth Neon. which was traveling west on l.ick Creek Road. While negoti-ating a curve. the driver lost conirol of the %-ehide. which ovcrtumcd and went offthe roadway on the lefl sidc and struck a rock bluff.

Two passengers in Rains* vchicle. 51-ycar-old Brian Kamiński and 43-ycar-old Maria Kamiński, also both listed as hcing from Al-

Fiscal court meeting includes another closed door session

Clinton Fiscal Court held a lengthy regular meeting last Thursduy CYcnmg. Junc 21 with all fivc of the currcnt nicnibcrs present. The one-hotir and 40-minute meeting also includcd anotlter session deal-ing with personncl possiblc litigation and lasted approximateIy 35 minutes.

The court lirsl voted to pay claims and bills. approved the month-ly trcasurcr’s report and end of the fiscal ycar fund transfers prior to opening vurious road materiał bids.

Two bidders, Gaddic Shamrock and Albany Quarry. submitted on various grades of stonc and gravcł and on a recommendation by Judgc F.\ccutivc Lylc IIuff, tltc court votcd, on a motion by magis-trate Mickey Riddle. to Split the bids equally between the iwo local companics as neoded and only usc ccrtificd gradc stonc as nccdcd for eertain projects that specify such.

(iaddic-Shamrock was the only bidder on chip and scal and hot mix and Alhany Roilding Center was the sole bidder on tile and cul-verts. with the court approving cach of the lonc bids on those ma-

See COURT, page 8


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